seeds germinated & I got a few questions


So Ive built my eventual "clone/current mother" box, my seeds have germinated and I planted them in happy frog soil in 16oz red solo cups. Ive got a few questions/worries, in my inexperience/haste I bought a new 4 foot 4 lamp t5 fixture
1)is this too much to get 6 plants goin in a 4'Lx2'Wx3'H box?
2)Ive never gone from seed or used soil before, what do you experinced growers recommend for watering, ie. a baseline amount to start watering with/frequency to get a feel for the plants?
3)A buddy of mine gave me his brand new bottle of nitrozime really speaking highly of it, when/if I get green growing how long should I wait to start foliar feeding this stuff?
4) anyone want to hit a double-wide 4 foot bong??? I really need a digital camera

Thanks for the help, inspiration, and info to all you RIU'ers out there


Active Member
1) Too much light isn't an issue, heat is though. But you probably won't have to worry too much about that with T5's.

2) Water with a spray bottle until the soil is moist. Should be able to feel moisture about an inch down, like a little past the first knuckle on your pinky. Don't water very often, as this could damage the roots. Check the soil with your pinky to see if it needs watering, if the top soil is dry and crusty and you don't feel much moisture about an inch down then water. I end up watering roughly every 12 hours, but that depends on the size of your pots.

3) Give it about 3-4 weeks. Once it's developed a few nodes start up the feeding. Start it out at 1/4 strength of what the directions tell you. Too much fert can burn it.

4) Oh god yes. :hump::hump::hump::hump:

Good luck!