seeds haven't popped

this works for me in THREE DAYS I would say 90% of the time... luke warm water... i use a yogurt container... not sure why it works but it does.. a larger sized one. Add luke warm water and your seeds cover add to a paper bag for light protection and keep in an environment at approx.70 degrees... not ON a heater but in that ambient temp.. after 24 hours drain water and use between two moist paper towels fold over a few times into a ziplock and then back in the yogurt container and paper bag... then back into the 70 degree environment... I just did this starting on Sunday and seeds were very ready to go into soil today! One was even already out of the seed which I worry I should have planted yesterday... But yeah just my 2 cents and this works GREAT.. now ... if only I can get cloning down so well... :wall:
Best method so you do not oversaturate is use a spray bottle and mist the paper towel. A few squirts and you are good to go. Repeat that a few times a day.
Best method so you do not oversaturate is use a spray bottle and mist the paper towel. A few squirts and you are good to go. Repeat that a few times a day.
or after misting put the paper towel in a ziplock then brow bag it... leave in warm place for 24-36 hrs and rdy to plant.... if i leave it longer the seed is already off and the tap root is super long
. if i leave it longer the seed is already off and the tap root is super long

with my first grow my friend told me to leave them in for 7 days XD i see some people doing this for a few days and get them super leggy idfk why but i did that and they got root rot ended up dying.
I usually just pop my seeds into the soil and forget about it haha. This current plant took around a week to break the surface I think. I had to take a toothpick and gently move the top soil around until I saw the tap root. I think I did this on the 2nd or 3rd day after dropping it in. I would recommend being very gentle if you do this though.

And when I say "forget", I mean just water and leave her be. Some seeds just take a while and you'll stress yourself out by checking it every few hours. Sometimes it causes people to mess with the soil/seed and it kills the plant all together.

I think the main key to germination is patience..I could just be an idiot tho :confused::hump:
I usually just pop my seeds into the soil and forget about it haha. This current plant took around a week to break the surface I think. I had to take a toothpick and gently move the top soil around until I saw the tap root. I think I did this on the 2nd or 3rd day after dropping it in. I would recommend being very gentle if you do this though.

And when I say "forget", I mean just water and leave her be. Some seeds just take a while and you'll stress yourself out by checking it every few hours. Sometimes it causes people to mess with the soil/seed and it kills the plant all together.

I think the main key to germination is patience..I could just be an idiot tho :confused::hump:
ive never tried it that way.. lol scared to lose my seed! plus the paper towel for me after 30 hrs its rdy to plant after planting one day later or two the max she is out the surface! saves a few days if you ask me...
I'm on day 12 now and things are looking pretty much the same. They have been staying around 76-81°F. I know it's been said they can take up to 16 days, but is it likely they will still geminate if they haven't yet? Should I just try again? I'm planning to grow in Coco would it be best to just try putting the seeds directly in the Coco next time or should I repeat the water soak/paper towel method?
I think these seeds must be duds. If they haven’t germinated after a few weeks they are done. Good seeds germinate in 24-48 hours.
I usually just pop my seeds into the soil and forget about it haha. This current plant took around a week to break the surface I think. I had to take a toothpick and gently move the top soil around until I saw the tap root. I think I did this on the 2nd or 3rd day after dropping it in. I would recommend being very gentle if you do this though.

And when I say "forget", I mean just water and leave her be. Some seeds just take a while and you'll stress yourself out by checking it every few hours. Sometimes it causes people to mess with the soil/seed and it kills the plant all together.

I think the main key to germination is patience..I could just be an idiot tho :confused::hump:

I'm with you.... I had a few babies born into the world this morning...

It’s a beautiful sight when they pop. One of mine did that this morning too. So happy when it happens. Feels great. Now just keep your soil semi moist. Don’t want the soil dryin up as the roots need all they can get.