Now their website is offline.They've exceeded their monthly bandwidth.....I did get online for a brief period when the website was up when the sale "started" and looked at some brand new Topdawg beans that I really want.I tried to put it in the cart but it kept giving me errors.It almost seems like their under a ddos attack because no way in hell does it take this long for spring cleaning and listing inventory.Also no business wants to be down for any period of time,they know their losing money and that's usually unacceptable.....I hope they can sort this out soon because they are my favorite company ever!
Now their website is offline.They've exceeded their monthly bandwidth.....I did get online for a brief period when the website was up when the sale "started" and looked at some brand new Topdawg beans that I really want.I tried to put it in the cart but it kept giving me errors.It almost seems like their under a ddos attack because no way in hell does it take this long for spring cleaning and listing inventory.Also no business wants to be down for any period of time, they know their losing money and that's usually unacceptable.....I hope they can sort this out soon because they are my favorite company ever!

Same. I have been recommending this site to a select few buddies for months. Now i feel like an ass because no one can access it.
i spoke to the people at SHN and they are working on this diligently. They sound very upbeat and excited to get this launched. She said that they have a TON of new gear ready and anticipate a massive response once the website gets going. She also stated that the website was almost complete and they are working on hopefully getting it back up by today or tomorrow. Also, if you have an order, it WILL be shipped out on time.
All is well with SHN.They had some issues but it's sorted out .I just placed a order for some Archive Face on Fire(wifi44 xFace off OG) and some Motarebel Rebel OG.!.Still my favorite seed bank.