Seeds in Montana?


Well-Known Member
Hey yall, I am going on a trip to Montana this weekend, to the Billings area. I was wondering if it's possible to buy seeds at any of the dispensaries there, or at another location? If so, do you have to be a MT resident to purchase? PM responses welcome. Thanks!
Hey yall, I am going on a trip to Montana this weekend, to the Billings area. I was wondering if it's possible to buy seeds at any of the dispensaries there, or at another location? If so, do you have to be a MT resident to purchase? PM responses welcome. Thanks!
IIRC, Billings has dispensaries outside city limits. I hope this hasn't changed. You don't have to be a resident, but it can be expensive to Uber/taxi if you don't have a car.

For seeds, call around. Lots of shops. Try a place called Frostees.