Seeds in my females?

Hey everyone. First, unfortunately I do not have my camera right now so I can not post pics. But heres the situation

I have 10 white widow females which I purtchased feminnized seeds from The plants are now in week 5 of flowering. What I noticed a couple of days ago is I have seen a few seeds pop up around a couple of the tiny buds towards the bottom of the plant. I was very surprised to see this myself. This is my first time growing, and the buds that they were found on are so tiny and so far towards the bottom of the plant that I probably should have pruned them off anyway. Ive seen this on 3 of the 10 plants. A very thurough search of all the plants show no seeds in the rest of the plants and nothing on any of the "major" buds. I do not believe that these are pollen sacks. They are very tiny buds. Very little mass and a lot of characteristic white hairs coming out of them. So my question is do you guys think that these are turning hermaphodite or what? The plants are inside my house and there are no other plants around these other than the clones I pulled from these plants that are still in vegative stage. Should I pull these little worthless budlets or leave them? Im just kinda confused whats going on and I hope this doesnt end up spreading to the real buds on the plants.
In my original post I stated that I do not have a camera right now so I cant post pics. I believe that it's seeds. I opened the encasing and there is what appears to be an inmature seed on the inside. It was rather hard. I took it in another room and was able to crush it with tweezers and it was filled with a gel like substance.
interesting, not a first timer, but a new strain i got from a well recommended club made seeds badly on me, then i flowered the clones i took from the moms i bought and i actually noticed a full blown hermie plant at week 4, it looked like i was growing corn, i took the plant out of the room but im scared the damage is done or possible more herms are in the room. The first grow i saw seeds but not a herm like i did this time.
Just remember seeds in bud doesnt mean the female bud is herm bud, it just got pregnant from pollen.
Pollen comes from Males or Herms.
I think i probably had a small part of a plant herm on me last time i didnt see, but it sure got EVERYONE pregnant.
Im following to see what people are going to say because i am starting to also think that the strain might be genetically prone to create seeds or herm. (they have a good home)