seeds in my ladies?!?!?!!!!


Active Member
Hello all I am ending my first grow from bag seeds and ended up with 3 females, however now entering 6th week of flowering seeds have developed but i pulled the other 2 males before week 2. How did this happen, what pollinated my ladies???


Well-Known Member
All it takes is one little male flower to pop open and drop some pollen. Chances are you overlooked it, how bad is it. Are you growing indoors?


Active Member
next time check ur fems well too, somtimes they can b hermis (both sexes) and self pollinate. oh and ive read that sometimes it only takes a day for a male pollen sack to develope and pollinate, never seen this happen though its usually takes a few days for them to develop.


Active Member
Yea i think 2 of the plants turned hermie they kinda stalled during flowering now that i think about it so they musta got my other female too. My one female is still looking ok, ill have pics of final harvest, first grow but i dont expect too much. On my way to canada to purchase good seeds.