Hey there people,
So I've been reading through this and I had to make an account to post cause this is an annoying issue to find good, reliable seed banks, I'll list a few below but I -really- want to post about one in particular first I've noticed that kinda annoyed/cracked me up.
Okay so Canuk seeds I've got from them a few times no issues, even saw their booth in person at an expo except all they had was feminized then, I mainly only get Regular and I've also come across another seller: seedsman and I happened to notice that if you look at their regular seeds at all the cheapest ones that come up at the top they are the exact same strains that Canuk has been carrying. They added Bruce banner not to long ago on seedsman in the cheapies and now Canuk is selling that one too, Canuk use to have jungle wreck, ata tundra, african buzz etc. but sold out and I assume didn't restock since not many people want regular seeds.
I haven't ordered from seedsman myself but it seems pretty clear Canuk has, and then charges 2-3 times the price so I guess that's one way of figuring out that seedsman seems to be legit?
I want to try bc bud depot but I've read a lot of questionable things about them.
I have had great results with MSNL (marijuana-seeds) however and their super secret shipping method was excellent and hilarious, they also have some of the BEST PRICES I have come across. My only dislike is that I lose out on getting original breeder packs that way. As far as I can tell though a lot of what MSNL carries is genetics from Nirvana and Dutch Passion. I also paid them with an overseas bank transfer that was slightly complicated to arrange and not all institutions will allow apparently.
And again as I said above Canuk was good and reliable, but they seem to just buy seeds overseas and resell in NA for more money so up to you on that one. Also True North Seed Bank from what I've gathered appears to be very closely affiliated with Canuk or possibly the same thing? At the very least they share online/web databases and scripts as well as payment systems, so I'm trying them now as well but I find them a bit pricey for most things.
Also had good results with hempdepot but they seem to also carry a lot of unknown/weird stuff, I mainly stick with TGA subcool and Brothers Grimm from there myself.
I also got stuff from Jordan of the Islands, however he doesn't specify on ANYTHING if its auto or not and I had some unexpectedly go full auto since it appeared initially to be photoperiod and -everything- got seeded I'm talking male flowers out and dropping pollen in a matter of approximately 24 hours after having none visible before that and at only 7 weeks from seed under 18hrs light. I did try contacting for clarification on what was auto and all I got back was he's not currently breeding autos and to try some of his blackberry crosses, so you know... helpful.

I did keep all the seeds though for future breeding experiments since it was impressively fast at developing flowers.
I've also just tried ordering with xoticseeds and waiting to see how that one pans out.
I've been trying to find more domestic sources to get original breeder packaging, so I'm following along with what everyone's been posting here.
Also I have to make a note about crap king and I had to laugh at the people who called them that, sure they deliver and all but I have to agree 100% with that statement because I have had the 'same strain' from them and from others and grew them out side by side for comparison in the past and crap kings seeds had WILDLY crazy variations between the plants, so it was clearly not stable genetics at all (if it was really even what it said?) I mean each plant had very noticeable if not extreme differences from the same pack. Also, against my better judgement I have tried some feminized seeds from them as well since their regular selection sucks, and usually even if they all sprout a taproot roughly half of them die before really doing much of anything else, just for comparison I haven't had this issue with any other source, just crap king. So whatever they are doing with their fems seems to be weakening the strength/vigour of the seeds from what I can tell. The only plant from crap king that went really well and seemed highly stable was blueberry.