Seeds in outdoor bud. Can they be used?

Yes I do have experience and so does a hundred threads on here about this subject, where are you getting your info? I’ve never read what your saying anywhere. Except from people spreading bad information.
Lots of places just from a simple google search I found these
They talk about the same thing about how female pollens dont contain male chromosomes and will not be male %99 of the time
The idea is pretty simple bro if a female induces polen because of stress it won't have any male chromosomes. How you intruduce stress is not that relevant to the seeds. you seem to be arguing pretty intensely so im not going to take this convo any further. I am no pro not much experience, just wanted to put what I knew
That is WAY different than getting a plant to herm and selfing with that pollen. Sts and cs suppress the female chemicals allowing the male chemicals (just like men also have estrogen and females also have test) to be more effective thus causing the plant to produce sacs. Think of it this way too. If a plant hermies due to stress it’s doing so to prolong its genetics and pass them on right? Then why would the plant only produce one type of offspring?? Then the bloodline is dead and it hermied for nothing.
The idea is pretty simple bro if a female induces polen because of stress it won't have any male chromosomes. How you intruduce stress is not that relevant to the seeds. you seem to be arguing pretty intensely so im not going to take this convo any further. I am no pro not much experience, just wanted to put what I knew
Yes it does make a difference. Show me where you found this info
What lmaoooo you guys are lost. Obviously someone else needs to wake up and chime in cuz I’m talking to a wall over here.
That is why I literally explained the man made process and natures. Natures will not produce female offspring.
OK. But, the seeds you buy from seed banks that say "FEM" are feminized. And, they are created using the unnatural process. They have the genetics from the get-go to have ~99% chance of being female. If the plant hermies due to stress how is that going to change it's DNA?

Now, if we're talking genetic, or "true" hermaphrodites, that is a different story altogether.
It doesn’t “change” the dna it just passes on a more dominate traits to hermie. My mom and dad have blue eyes. I have brown. My grandparents have brown.Does that mean that they didn’t have the blue eyes trait because I got brown eyes? Did my grandparents not have the brown eye Trait because their children both had blue eyes? Did their dna change? No it didn’t. It’s just expressed different. Genetics go back GENerations. Just what’s on the surface isn’t all that’s there. I still don’t understand where your getting your info from. Hermies pass hermies and regular offspring. Not just female.
It doesn’t “change” the dna it just passes on a more dominate traits to hermie. My mom and dad have blue eyes. I have brown. My grandparents have brown.Does that mean that they didn’t have the blue eyes trait because I got brown eyes? Did my grandparents not have the brown eye Trait because their children both had blue eyes? Did their dna change? No it didn’t. It’s just expressed different. Genetics go back GENerations. Just what’s on the surface isn’t all that’s there. I still don’t understand where your getting your info from. Hermies pass hermies and regular offspring. Not just female.
When you germinate the seed produced from a stress-induced hermie you are still starting off with a plant which is genetically pre-programmed to be female. I don't think your example of human reproduction really applies here because we don't genetically engineer humans to increase the probability of producing female offspring only.

An exception of this might be if a stress-induced hermie was pollinated with a male. That would make a big difference.
I’m done. Have a nice day. Good luck with your hermie collections guys. I got thousands of ya want em.
Thanks, you too. Honestly, I have only been growing for about two years. So, there is a possibility I am wrong. Getting to the truth seems like piecing together a tricky puzzle sometimes with this hobby.
Wow I thought I’d check up on this thread. I never meant to start an argument. I guess I’ll have to start indoors and figure out their sex and if female put them outside in a few months. I really liked the strains. Thanks to everyone who commented.
Colloidal Silver inhibits the ethylene production needed by the plant to produce female flowers; In turn forcing the female plant to produce male pollen sacs. Because female plants having zero male chromosomes the pollen produced is female, resulting in 99.99% guaranteed female seeds when using the pollen from the plant that was treated with colloidal silver.

Plants become hermaphrodites due to environmental factors such as stress and are known as Bisexual Plants. This happens on the female plant when it begins to detect factors that can induce stress, it then begins to produce stamen along the pistils. By doing this, the plant shortens its flowering time, ensuring that it is more likely to pass its genes to its offspring.
Several environmental factors can cause your plants to turn hermaphroditic. Most are caused by negligence and can be easily avoided. One such factor is poor temperature control. If the temperature is too hot, your plants are much more likely to turn hermaphroditic. Pruning too early is another common cause. Other causes include, incorrect fertilization, changes in the photoperiod during the flowering phase, and of course mite infestation. All of these can be prevented as long as you’re vigilant with your plants. For instance, you should always do your pruning and topping when your plants are still in the vegetative stage, prior to flowering.

The reality is that Colloidal Silver is a "LOW STRESS" way to produce feminized pollen. When a plant Herms from environmental factors it will more then likely produce offspring that have lower stress tolerances therefore producing more Herm prone plants.

Herm pollen has the same feminizing effect as a silver sprayed plants pollen