Seeds not growing

I germinated seeds in a cup and taproots came out and then I put them in soil and watered them whenever they look dry but it's been a week now since I put them in soil and I had a look at the seeds and they haven't changed at all since I germinated them they haven't grown at all help????


are they getting proper sunlight and fertilizers due to lack of these things seeds dont germinate proprely so its better to look up at these stuffs.......
Sounds like you had good seed, but they haven't received what they needed to sprout. Seeds need moisture and warmth, and hopefully you haven't drowned them. I use the self watering stations from Burpee (available at Loews) and add a heating mat. It's a fail safe way for your seeds to get a great start.

I would add a heating mat ASAP, cover the soil with plastic wrap (remove this when the first seedling breaks ground) and hope the seedlings haven't already died. Here is a picture taken today using the Burpee stations 6 days from planting. Good luck and keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like you had good seed, but they haven't received what they needed to sprout. Seeds need moisture and warmth, and hopefully you haven't drowned them. I use the self watering stations from Burpee (available at Loews) and add a heating mat. It's a fail safe way for your seeds to get a great start.

I would add a heating mat ASAP, cover the soil with plastic wrap (remove this when the first seedling breaks ground) and hope the seedlings haven't already died. Here is a picture taken today using the Burpee stations 6 days from planting. Good luck and keep us posted.

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That is what I am thinking if he had a taproot and isn't seeeing anything after a week, I think the cold killed em. Sorry wish I had a different opinion.

Noob grower1

Active Member
I had one that didnt wana poke its head out to.. I dug a lil coundnt find it. So I threw away.. Next day walked by trash and saw green .. Dont under estimate them ;Dthat seedling is still alive today and is one the best lookin plant I got


Well-Known Member
Temp of your little grow area ?
Not too hot, not too cold... Goldie Locks temp....
I feel that in the first week or two of a seedling, or clones life you must stay on top of them...
Water with plain filtered water, THE SAME TEMP AS YOUR Soil... Many neglect this...
You want no stress, I filter tomorrows water, today, and then sit inside grow area...for tomorrow...

Others say, too much water ? I say too little... Ha, without touching them... ????
Sometimes, what was on your hands, while touching seedlings...

Did you plant seeds upside down ? Maybe they will still make it....

Think happy thoughts....


Well-Known Member
Buy a small misting spray bottle [dollar store]
Spray soil in future, not flood them, IMO soil needs to remain moist, but not like soup...
And squirt/mist soil, not plant...
Soil Type? Next time use a 50-50 mix with perilite... It will lighten up the soil...[all types including MirGrow]
Good luck man...Been there....


New Member
hey man. if they showed taproots, they will grow!

put them just under the top layer of soil. since i dont germ my seeds, i just push them directly into the soil until theyre flush with the soil line. then i sprinkle soil over them, and i push down on them gently once or twice.

then i get a mister and i just mist the top layer of soil with warm water, like twice a day.

i get sprouts in 3 days with this method, and a taproot that is 1-2 inches long!
Seeds might have been buried in too deep so I have scraped the soil away to find my seed so nothing is on top of the seed and I'm just watering it like that just to see what happens I have a 20w cfl covering about 8 small pots in my metal tool box to help keep heat in. I bought a potting mix from the shop and it ha small rocks all through it and I think that woundnt help at all


New Member
you need 2 or 3 more cfls, and yeah, dig up AROUND THE SEED. dont dig over the top of it. replant very shallow.


Well-Known Member
are they getting proper sunlight and fertilizers due to lack of these things seeds dont germinate proprely so its better to look up at these stuffs.......
really? you sir are WRONG!!! please dont give anyone else any advice until you know what your talking about. i really try and be nice but dam dude people like you are the reason newbs come here and end up killing thier plants.


Well-Known Member
seedling heating mat and propogator is the BEST way in my opinion. no need to water just fill your cup/container with medium, water it untill you have runoff (make sure you have holes in bottom of cup) set in propogator and wait.
seedling heating mat and propogator is the BEST way in my opinion.
I have seen great seeds and seedlings ruined over the past 40 years and trying to cut corners in this stage is where most are lost. I have had my share.....RetiredMatt is right and with very little money and even less work you can give your plants a great start.

A heating mat is about 20 bucks and with the right self watering tray and a little light you you don't do ANYTHING for the first 7-10 days, besides add water to the reservoir. The mat keeps the water and soil at a great temp for a fast start and can be done anywhere. I posted a picture in an earlier post of the Burpee 16 station version at LOEWS for less than $10. (I have two side by side) it has expanding pellets that will feed your seedlings for 10 days to two weeks without adding any fertilizer.

The soil mixture in the tray sucks up only the water it needs to keep your seedlings growing their best and with no chance of over-watering or having to spray anything that could damage sensitive leaves.

As a side note, a turkey baster works great for watering young plants and should be in every gardener's kit. Good luck!


New Member
if you only water when dry could kill the seed if you let them dry out too bad.

usually when i start to germ seeds, stop, and then try again a week later, the seed goes bad. it only happened once that i made this mistake to one seed, so its not certain. that seed coulda been bad from the get go.

i push my seed into my soil, just till theyre flush with the top of the soil. sprinkle some soil over and push down once or twice lighty.

then i mist them with warm water, like twice a day.

you want to work your way to watering a nice size drink, and then letting the soil dry out. this is as they get bigger. when theyre little you only want to mist, and then when they hatch you want to water lightly.

my babies broke soil 1/7 and i water my 16oz cups with 1-3oz of water per light cycle. youll even notice they start drinking it all up over night when theyre big and the root system is good. always listen to the plant!

roots get laid down, then veg growth follows. im eargly waiting my sprouts to exit seedling stage to sprout. germ was only 3 days, so i hope seedling is short. trying not to give too much water at this point