seeds,nuitrent, what is best seeds to buy


Well-Known Member
Hi guys

just starting off. i put 1 seed down 8days ago... its in hydroponic
setup, it is 25cm high round 1inch. It now has 2 littles leaves...
when do i start using nuitrents and how much... also how much
light should i be giving it...

2nd Q... i wont to buy seeds, what is the all round best seeds to buy
for yeild and strenth "WHITE WIDOW" is ment to be the way to go..
can you please confirm this...

Thanks Heaps

Regards Darran :roll: (Australia)


Active Member
vita link is one of the best to use and get some carbo load but it all depends on your growing medium if your useing hydro ponics you should have put your nutrients in all ready grow to start and when you have changed to 12/12 a week later bloom goes in
and white widow are not the best on the market durbban pioson is in my opinion and only buy female
the best advise i have ever had is go to your local hydroponics shop and ask for advise

fat sam

Well-Known Member
what strain to get totally depends on what your looking for and where your growing and shit, like if your grow space is not very tall then some autos might be the ticket for you, or if your looking for quantity over quality, you need to figure out what you want in the plants then go seed shoping


Well-Known Member
i am also new to growing but i hear northern lights is a easy to grow plant and has a good yield. also good smoke too.