I'm starting to have some issues with this story.
Vein, I'd like you to explain why you have been making contradictory statements. On page 4 you said the following:
"I had one order seized a month ago. Two under covers showed up saying a package with illegal
seeds were sent to this house. I pulled a over nighter and everything is gone out of my house. I'm trying to give you guys a heads up... wtf. I grew for my self and no one knew I was growing, not even my best friend."
Then on page 8 you made this statement:
"It was about 2 weeks after getting the empty package they came knocking. A undercover cop pulled into my driveway then left, that it so far. No one has knocked on my door yet."
So which is it? Did the cops come to your door or not? You can't have it both ways.
I try and refrain from being a dick on this forum but I'm calling this story bullshit at this point. Sorry. Especially since you'd be the first person ever busted for seeds and you live in chicago, the new murder capital of the usa. There have been 250 murders in chicago in 2013. I think they're busy enough with enough of a workload to worry about you and your seeds. It was probably a cab with the wrong address pulling into your driveway looking for someone who needs a ride to the airport.