seeds sex


Active Member
are the seeds already male or female or do they adapt to their environment and become male or female or is it just luck of the draw?


Well-Known Member
You can buy feminized seeds and you should get 99% females. Or you can buy regular seeds and get a mix of male and female.

Apparently there are ways to "influence" the sex of regular seeds...but not sure how reliable those methods are.

Peace - OGH


Well-Known Member
There are different schools of thought on this subject. Some say the sex is "100% Predetermined" - some say the sex is "Predesposed - but influenced by certain environmental factors".

I'm with the "Predesposed" group on this one. That means that a seed, given a normal, average, environment will probably grow up as either a male of female (whichever it is "predesposed" to be). However, certain environmental factors can influence the young, forming, plant to develope one way or the other. This idea goes "hand-in-hand" with the way a human embroyo developes, it starts out with one set of "standard plumbing", then at some point it "decides" to be an "Innie" or an "Outtie" - based, partly, on it's environment inside the womb.

Several factors are said to influence the ultimate sex of cannabis seeds (and seedlings), usually a higher or lower concentration ,or amount, will "persuade" the plant to be either a male or a female, accordingly. These factors include: temperature, humidity, pH factor, available Nitrogen - - - - Have I forgotten any? Do a little "Google" diving and you will find the whole story!
This guide has been very helpful for me Ive used it recently but the plants are not quite old enough yet to verify the accuracy but seeing as typically half of the seeds I do this with fit the diagrams said female characteristic and the other half show the diagrams said male characteristic and from what Ive heard seeds are typically about 50/50 as of female/males it seems plausible to me that this might be true reference. So if my two plants within about the next month are both fems I am going to count this method as pretty factual lol I will update on this if it turns out to be true as it would be an extremely valuable thing for peeps to know :)