seeds to usa

mr j2

Well-Known Member
So i read a lot of posts and seedbankupdate trying to figure out what seedbank is best to order from if you live in the USA but there is a lot of contradictions.. so im asking anyone who has experience recently ordering seeds FROM THE USA to say where they ordered from. Also has anyone from the US ordered from world wide marijuana seeds, Marijuana Seeds (cannabis Seeds) High Quality Low Prices,, or And could you please mention how it was shipped? (ie how stealth). Thanks for any info! :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
yea lots of people orderd from world wide from America... I'm planing on ordering from them soon... You should be fine

mr j2

Well-Known Member
hmm so i think im going to order some mandala #1 seeds from wwms. I have to wait til spring to grow them outdoors though :( . I wish i could just grow them inside in my apartment ugh!

EDIT: mandala seeds not in stock until feb 08 aw man!


Well-Known Member
just wondering how big are the risks of getting seeds sent to your home from these uk or dutch sites, are there risks involving american dea? or how often is it that you dont receive anything? anyone know a good site to recomend, last time i got seeds i flew over to amsterdam and got them, too bad i cant do that everytime i need seeds

mr j2

Well-Known Member
well from what ive seen on here, is pretty trusted with discret shipping. i havent heard of people not receiving their seeds from them yet. And yeah the problem is with customs, and people said if they do catch you the first time you only get a letter in the package that it came in and says what was in the package was confisicated and explains everything so really no serious consequence


Well-Known Member
yeah they have a good selection of even what do you call them brands and strands? haha do you guys know of any good but somwhat high yielding purple strands for indoor

mr j2

Well-Known Member
placed an order with wwms, should be shipped out in a few days and hopefully theyll be in the package when i get it!


Well-Known Member
I orderd from HTG but I looked up what I wanted online and called up my orde... there GREAT!!! frosted flakes blalalalala get the beat down!


Well-Known Member
it explains on the website that they will email you and you pay from there... this keeps it more secure