seeds wont germinate


Active Member
You said you were going to cut a hole for ventilation, Im growing in a tiny space right now and i found that in really restricted areas you need an good intake as well as an exhaust. Even CFLs in a small enough space can bring the temp up to the 110F-120F range. you should notice slowed growth around 85F-90F. You can use Botanicare's "Silica blast" to strengthen the cell walls and help encourage growth even in more extreme conditions.

Another little trick i found is to keep several bottles of water in the freezer, then rotate them out and set them strategically inside of the grow area. I've only noticed about a 2 degree drop but every little bit helps. Lastly, if you like growing with CFLs you should check out these ones:

Envirolites indoor hydroponic envirolite grow lights, grow cabinets and reflectors.

they pack a lumen punch strong enough to grow several plants and work well for small personal operations like you have going.

Good luck and have fun!


Well-Known Member
thanks alot that is very helpful, i need to buy a thermometer first!!! lol. but ive recently ran into an issue. after i planted my seeds i waited a day or so and became rather impatient so i dug around in the dirt in both my pots to see if the seeds were ok, I COULDNT FIND THE DAMN THINGS!!!! i know they are in there but i couldnt see em and i am pissed. so i left them alone and watered the fucking soil again. hopefully ill leave em for a bit and theyll sprout when im away


Well-Known Member
thanks alot that is very helpful, i need to buy a thermometer first!!! lol. but ive recently ran into an issue. after i planted my seeds i waited a day or so and became rather impatient so i dug around in the dirt in both my pots to see if the seeds were ok, I COULDNT FIND THE DAMN THINGS!!!! i know they are in there but i couldnt see em and i am pissed. so i left them alone and watered the fucking soil again. hopefully ill leave em for a bit and theyll sprout when im away
Damn bro... you gotta learn to be patient if you want to succeed in growing marijuana. Things don't happen instantly, or usually even overnight. If you just planted seeds in soil without first germinating them, it could take several days for them to sprout and break the surface of the soil. Even if you did germinate them before planting, it usually takes at least two days for the seedling to break the surface. If your seeds actually germinated but didn't yet get to the soil surface, you just fucked them up by digging around and moving them. You have to understand that the tap-root (the initial root that breaks through the seed pod) is extremely sensitive and fragile, and any contact with your fingers will kill it.


Well-Known Member
I put 6 seeds in a paper towel only one germinated in a 24 hour period. so i transferred them to cup full of water, then another germinated in a 24 hour period. I got tired of waiting so i just planted all of them in soil. its been about 2 days since i planted them. I heard sometimes it takes a week or more than a week to germinate and break the soil, so i guess i'll stick it out, besides i have no other choice.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya man, I'm from up north too. Just put the paper towels in a plate with a plate on top so their in complete darkness and throw that on top of the fridge or cable box or anything that stays warm constantly. I normally get a tail in a day or two.


Well-Known Member
i started another seed 2 days ago and it looks really good, im gonna leave it be and stop being hasty. i think i gotta change the soil though when it gets wet it smells like cow

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
If you have a problem with germanating a certain strain try scuffing first so moisture can get into the seed. It worked for a Seedman and a KC strain that wouldnt germ. Take a small matchbox and cut a piece of medium grade sandpaper or cut a paper nail file to fit inside. Put the seeds inside and shake them aroud gently. I put my beans in a small glass of distilled water. Usually they float at first but thats OK. Poke them after a few hours and they will drop. After 24-48hrs the beans open and I plant root side down. The scuffing and distilled water works about 99% of the time. I have not had any female seeds not germ this way! If you like to Pick and Mix its the only way when you purchase 1 bean at a time! Good Luck!


Active Member
yo man i also live in northern usa..i have the same problem..if they wont germinate i usually just throw them in soil and within 3 days it should for me


Well-Known Member
thanks guys i think itll work. i am leaning towards some new soil, idk if it was the food or the soil or what has organic cow shit in it, but when its been watered and sits under the lights for a while it smells like a cow field.
strain wise i am trying an experiment. getting the shittyest bag weed i could find and trying to make the seeds grow into high grade plants. knowing genetics plays a huge roll is obvious but i think clipping harvesting and curing correctly is what makes half the shitty weed on the streets shitty.


Well-Known Member
i just got a chem dog seed planted, got it in a sack of mine. also picked up a fan and thermom. today. i checked the temp when the doors are shut and the lights and fan are running. it was above 100!!!! i was pretty pissed so ive decided to leave the doors open for extra vcentilation for right now until i can figure out how to keep cool.

p.s. : im growing under my bathroom sink in the cabinet under it.


Well-Known Member
i grew there before, its a nice place if you can keep it cool. 1 reason is when you take a shower, it gets nice a humid in there. id use it as a veg spot then use your closet as a bloom spot.


Well-Known Member
ive been thinking about that and ill probably do that, dont want moldy buds.............

damn things still havnt sprouted but i planted the chemdawg seed strait in the soil and want to see whats gonna happen.

thanks guys


New Member
cut the bottom off a plastic bottle and set it over the seed. It'll be a little humidity dome. Once it sprouts, take it off, you don't want the leaves to touch the wet plastic.


Well-Known Member
Major bummer but luckily a fresh my land lord has to come to check the furnace so i had to hide/ dismantle all of my stuff and gear cause he is gonna check all of the vents as well and he'll be all over the house. still germing stuff but will have to redo my grow space. luckily it'll be the last time. so i bought some shwaggy shit last night cause i cant find any kind here....hence forth i the bud was actually green for once....a little compressed..... but smelled like kind bud and smoked amazingly! WIERD AS SHIT. I GOT SOME REALLY REALLY HEALTHY LOOKING SEEDS FROM IT TO AND PUT EM IN A WET PAPER TOWEL IN A PYREX DISH WITH THE LID ON AND PUT EM IN A CABINET. THE NEXT FEW WEEKS WILL BE A TEST TO SEE IF I CAN FINALLY GET THESE DAMN THINGS GERMED!!! its always one hold up or another. so here i go. ill keep the post open.