

is it possible for only one plant out of 7 to get accidently polinated? i have 7 plants in one grow are at about 5 weeks flowering and it looks like 1 of them is making seeds on the lower buds only. this was not an intentional polination. i was under the impresion that if one plant had been polinated n is making seeds, all the plants would be making seeds too.


Active Member
is it possible for only one plant out of 7 to get accidently polinated? i have 7 plants in one grow are at about 5 weeks flowering and it looks like 1 of them is making seeds on the lower buds only. this was not an intentional polination. i was under the impresion that if one plant had been polinated n is making seeds, all the plants would be making seeds too.
This happend to me on my last grow... i thought it was hermie but as it was making fresh seeds something had to have gone wrong... i thought all my plants were female so i couldnt explain how this had happend.

the worst part was that this spread accross very quickly and before i could flush and save all the 2 plants had seeds everywhere :( some people suggested i cut off the seeded buds or take the whole branch off just to be safe. It was hard to find a reason for this but i put it down to a bad strain as i bought cheap seeds from

Here is a link where i tried to get advise from others

good luck and i hope your grow finishes well :-)


Thx man. I read ur link and found it pretty helpful. I cut open one of the sacs lastnite. There was some sort of liquid filled ball that wud pop if I squized it. I am goin to load some pics asap. I too didn't see any of my other plants doing this. The line up: 2 white rhino, 3 the church( one of these is the problem) 1 papaya, 1 LSD. I will be ready to flip if all of these get seeds.


Active Member
Thx man. I read ur link and found it pretty helpful. I cut open one of the sacs lastnite. There was some sort of liquid filled ball that wud pop if I squized it. I am goin to load some pics asap. I too didn't see any of my other plants doing this. The line up: 2 white rhino, 3 the church( one of these is the problem) 1 papaya, 1 LSD. I will be ready to flip if all of these get seeds.
Yeah i didnt have sacks they were just seed pods is the sack shaped like a bannana? as if so then maybe you wont have issues like me as i think this is more controlable and most people do grow out the hermies with no overall bad effects.

One of the guys gave me the advice to seperate my bad plant but i didnt have the means to do this but would kill one to save many ;-) also for me this happend so fast but i am sure like me your looking every day and keeping a close eye on them and most of the damage happend over night!

Not that i would be the most helpful but am looking forward to the pics to see how yours sick church is looking! +rep as i love the white rhino everytime i go which is not alot but i always have this in amsterdam :-)


well unfortunately my camera sucks balls and it is not even worth uploading the pics. (trust me) so i checked back today on the problem(grow is at a different house), and they were all over her. i am going to try to paint you a picture. you know where you look to determine sex? where the initial hairs pop out? well those things have swelled up and the pistils have turned brown. i understand that the pistils are supposed to brown. now an identical thing is happening directly on the buds. if i am an idiot pls tell me, but this did not happen on my first grow. all i am sayin is it looks way to much like a seed is growing in there. bottom line is they look out of place. btw thx for the +rep.


Well-Known Member
ya dude i had 3 females. no males and i still got 20 seeds out of the 4 ounces i got form it and they were good seeds that im germin atm and ya sooo idk how or why this happenes but it does lol