Seedsman - Not pleased :-(

Ya dude im open to suggestions as long as its uk and established.

London seed centre was my first bank then herbies as mad crazy free freebies now im like a lost soul searching again.

Attitude is on the list now :-)
I use
They charge delivery but service is good, decent freebies and money back to spend with every order points scheme thingy.

And am I the only one worried about the neighbour's kid?
I'm running clones right now, in a couple weeks when those are done i'll do some more seeds, I just don't have room for the plants and don't like giving away plants from seed
Yes in original pack. It isn't a hermie, and if it is its the worst ive seen. Looks straight male

That's a G13 issue if they were in breeders packs. Seedsman doesn't even have those in stock right now. If it wasn't for the hassles they're having with shipping and getting stock right now because of Covaid they probably would have sent you out another pack.
I've always had good luck with Seedsman. I've also heard they are good about replacing beans if you aren't satisfied. Like mentioned, now might be difficult to get fast resolution. But i would not let that deter you from Seedsman. I've always had GREAT germination rate from breeders on there. Good quality bud, never any herms or males. I've ordered at least 50+ beans.
I've always had good luck with Seedsman. I've also heard they are good about replacing beans if you aren't satisfied. Like mentioned, now might be difficult to get fast resolution. But i would not let that deter you from Seedsman. I've always had GREAT germination rate from breeders on there. Good quality bud, never any herms or males. I've ordered at least 50+ beans.
Literally everything I am growing right now, and now what a few other are growing, are from seedsman. The only other seeds I have I am keeping for when I am ready to breed (They are the Cookies and Ice Cream Cake strains I ran last time). I'm not blaming seedsman for the issue, just their solution