I dont really have any kind of serious venting equiptment, other than oscilating fans. My origonal hope was to get some sort of high power fan and hook it up to the vent where the dryer blows out because i noticed some of those vents lead all the way up the the roof. But unfortunatley my dryer vent leads right above my front door

so theres no way i could do that.
I really hate having this 600 watter on for 18 hours a day. its constantly keeping my a/c running, and im getting kinda paranoid having this bright blazing light coming out of the kitchen all night lol. Im thinking maybe ill change up the whole setup again. Thinking ill get the 150 watt mh, and ever single cfl i have, and go that route. If i do that it will put off extremely less heat, and i can let them have 20/4 light.
I just drenched them all with 2 day old phed tap water. When i first checked on them today, the leaves seemed a bit more curled up, and one plant was very droopy with slightly curled up leaves, so im guessing they were all thirsty and still not getting proper ventilation.
Should i be keeping the fans on full speed at lights out too?