Seeing Numbers? 11:11? Synchronicities? Paranoia? Deja-vu's? Schizophrenia

Oh and de ja vu! When I was about 12 me and my mates were fishing.

I got this immense sense of de ja vu and knew my friend was going to say (and I literally said it as he did)

‘ I’d rather be back home with a cup of tea right now’

Ive had loads of ‘weird’ shit happen to me, ufos etc.

All welcome haha
Just some thoughts. If our brains are universes awareness then dark energy and dark matter must play a role with these "psychic" feelings. It must be. Maybe we been here before, in these conditions as a civilisation. We need a clear environment as a whole or clear pure mindset as individuals. What goes up must come down and we learn different things all the time through various situations as a whole and individuals of course. Hope i make sense.

Dont forget about the grand astrological ages that change every ~2500 years. If zodiac signs truly have an impact on us MAYBE the grand ages (different positions in the milky way) have also.

I never believed in zodiac signs and still not 100% sure. There is a pattern in my life for example my first three loving relationships were libra. In a year span of 9 years! Whats that about. About 4 years now... every girl i been close to is a cancer. I mean... what. Dont know, maybe coincidence. I dont even ask about signs and stuff. Phewwww :hug:
I never believed in zodiac signs and still not 100% sure. There is a pattern in my life for example my first three loving relationships were libra. In a year span of 9 years! Whats that about. About 4 years now... every girl i been close to is a cancer. I mean... what. Dont know, maybe coincidence. I dont even ask about signs and stuff. Phewwww :hug:

I never did either until I was at an Apple product preview (Color). Of course, the demo system crashed, and the MC had to fill time. Out of nowhere she says, "Alright, this sounds weird, but how many scorpios are in the room?" - about 2/3rds of us raised our hands!

I still don't follow any of it, but that meeting was weird; there were probably 150-200 people in the room, mostly men.
Apparently scorpios lean towards technical jobs and often end up in some of the more esoteric areas of their field - like studio grade color correction programs.
Wicked! The only thing i can think of, instead of planets affecting us, is the effect of weather as we grow and learn the basics as babies in the first few months. Maybe too random but its quite practical if you think about it a little bit. Like a different initial behaviour based on seasons and how they left a watermark in our growth. Summer and winter babies hahah but then we have north and south hemisphere where its all flipped! Dammmmn. Ok enough i need a bowl :lol:
De-Java (Deja-vu for coffee drinkers):

Had a sunrise wake & bake, then poured a cup of coffee --- and had a strong feeling that I had done this before...

The coffee was a bit cool, so I went to microwave it ----- and found a cup of coffee. OOOOHHhhhhhh, that's why I had that feeling! lol

Kinda laughed at myself as I sipped my brew and headed down the hall into the bathroom....

Where I found the first cup I poured this morning - about 15 minutes before. :eyesmoke::clap:

De-Java - The sense that you've already poured your coffee as you pour your coffee.
from my own experiences, i think i can conclude we have internal clock, that can be very precise (i order myself to get up at 06:00, and i wake up around 05:53 - 06:00), and from what ive seen in my self, we tend to think of those 11:11 and others as sign of some godly force, we have natural desire to escape what we cannot achieve in material trough our spiritual (of a inner), and in times when we feel powerless, we tend to seek higher, inner, deeper, godly and demonic forces as a source of that power we need to do what we want, subconciously, so our mind tends to cling to every and any sign of that power being real and part of external, as a proof... but from all experiences ive got (visions of jesus and krishna, journeys to other worlds and battles with demon, knowledge from "beings"), i concluded its just all part of our mind, immature innerness that has yet to face the reality... when i stopped paying attention to it, synchronicities (calling when someone thinks about you, vocalized emotional states of others, visual and intuitive predictions) stopped, *but universe felt just the same as it was before... just my 2 cents...
it seems you got stuck in it pretty hard... you mentioned before, our mind is evolved to seek patterns, and to make ones when there arent any... how many other numbers did you miss out on? how many other posts are out there with xyz number of likes, that you didnt catch on, just cause you trained your brain to seek out confirmation of pattern seeking? and also, how long can you go on like this until you develop mental instability? i know it sounds rude, but its a friendly advice, to ground yourself and fact check these kind of toughts... it would be wiser to seek and train your brain for proper pattern recognition of female behaviour and signals they send *than for number repetitions*, more profitable at least :heart: