I am a 43 year old disabled vet from desert storm, I have payed my dues many times over, not looking for some grower that treats their patients like they think they are some doctor or something.
I suffer from nerve damage, I smoke in excess of 3 ounces a month to control the pain and release the tension my body normally carries.
I am on SSD, I cant afford all this bullcrap prices you greedy people charge, i am not interested in a grower who thinks they dont need to work for a living, and can sit at home, and sell the patients medication on the black market to pay their bills.
I have been a OMMP patient for 3 years, its been the same from day 1, so far not a single grower i have found does things the right way, OMMP is for people like myself, who are done taking opiates and the 500 other pills they shove down your gullet while trying to tell you it will make you better, it does not.
There has to be a grower out there, that suffers from compassion and honesty, and has a moral base, I know people like that are getting harder and harder to find, but one of you has to be hiding out there.
The deal is this, Whatever deal we make, I will follow period, I never fail on my end, if i give my word, it means something, I dont just speak because i like the sound of my voice.
I fought a war for the US, its not my fault i wash bullshitted and brainwashed into believing that we were doing something good, when really it was to make rich people richer, I did not back out, I gave my word to fight, and i fought, and now i get to live in poverty and be abused by you growers for the rest of my life, nice huh ?