Seems like I'm spending a fortune on food lately....


Well-Known Member
There are crop failures and people not even putting crops int he ground yet, globally this year.
In some countries like Brazil, certain staples have already gone up by as much as 30%
The weather is a right fuck up, the sun's output is dropping as it cyclically does.

Look up Maunder minimum, solar minimum, etc.


Well-Known Member
Ways to save money on food so you have more for your cable TV bill:
Grilled cheese- easy to make and quite filling.
Pasta- let me count the ways
Pancakes, waffles, and French toast- Easy to make from scratch
Oatmeal cookies with Cannabutter- Oops, that one slipped in there
Crockpot- Chicken thighs w/ tomato sauce and salad olives, Beef cubes w/ carrots, celery, onions and a couple of teaspoons of paprika, Boston butt with ten or so shakes of Worcestershire sauce
And more I'm sure you can come up with


Well-Known Member
As for the fruit/veg going to waste

I think it's because when we shop here we view it as a chore instead of an enjoyable experience. We also do not shop as frequently (either weekly or bi-weekly) as people do elsewhere (2-3 times per week in quite a few of the countries I've visited).

We buy the fruit/veg intending to eat it but we also have been running low on snacks for however long because we don't go to the store as frequently. So instead of eating fruit/veg we eat the snacks and then the fruit/veg goes to waste because by the time the other snacks have ran out it's spoiled.

Just a theory though. We eat lots of fruit/veggies here, not sure why other people throw them out.


Well-Known Member
Don't buy stuff we don't eat, can't stand throwing food away.
Pretty much same here.It's one of my worst pet peeves.I'm sure after 13 yrs it's drives the other half nuts hearin me bitch when we eat out about how much food i see go straight towards the trash.

Americans waste 150,000 tons of food each day – equal to a pound per person

So the answer as always is, about a pound.
Isn't that nuts?!

And those people worked to give their money for it.Kinda goes hand in hand with when we're eating just paid $70,$100 for a dinner and only ate $30 worth of it.Fuck that....i luv my money i ain't mad at it.I do pretty well at making sure our trash bag has very little food waste in it when it goes into the can.If we';re out and some thing isn't eatin,it comes home.

Agreed. “ I forgot to put the roast on, can you pickup takeout?” $60 later...

View attachment 4124465 Was delicious though.. now back to work so we can eat!!

Shit......i forgot about this.....ok so i do buy "some" fish.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Seems like $20 a day is the "norm". It just seemed like I have been spending a whole lot more over the last year than previous years. Fruits and veggies seem way higher priced and even things like PB&J have gone way up.


Virtually Unknown Member
Don't buy stuff we don't eat, can't stand throwing food away.
IKR? I swish water around in the 9-Lives cans, save it up and make soup with it.
Crockpot- Chicken thighs w/ tomato sauce and salad olives, Beef cubes w/ carrots, celery, onions and a couple of teaspoons of paprika, Boston butt with ten or so shakes of Worcestershire sauce
I luvs the crockpot