there's no such thing as "a good haggis"....You need a good haggis, then you'll understand
Aye, laddie, ye buggered thon bit up a wee bit
there's no such thing as "a good haggis"....
That's a Lowland Haggis, they're a bugger to catch. Mountain Haggii are much easier
i am a heathen, and a happy one, especially if it means i don't have to eat haggisHeathen
Sheep's lungs are not approved for human consumption in the US
But McDonald's is, shows how fucked up things are
I'm flying blind here but my sense is that sheep's lungs are probably worse than McDonalds
I watched my stepdad eat the still-steaming liver out of an elk I'd just shot in 1974
What? Farm animals?Cutting down myself.
Damn, I hate that for you Brother. I can eat any thing I decide to. I do have some queasiness these days if I eat a lot of fried food, but other than that, no repercussions.i hate each and every one of you fuckers.
with my stomach, i get to eat yogurt, mashed potatoes, ice cream....can't have gluten, can't eat anything with a lot of fiber....
so a weeks groceries for me is 12 2lb. tubs of yogurt, two boxes of carnation instant breakfast packets, a box of instant mashed potatoes, a couple cans of condensed milk. once a month i buy butter, cheese, coffee (the kind with the acid removed, usually folger's simply smooth) i spend about 300 a month to feed just me.....just yogurt......again......
I don't even own a microwave. Screw that shit. Microwave meals aren't fit for human consumption. I try to teach my kids good eating habits.