Seems like I'm spending a fortune on food lately....

I'm flying blind here but my sense is that sheep's lungs are probably worse than McDonalds

I watched my stepdad eat the still-steaming liver out of an elk I'd just shot in 1974

Find me a sheep filled with as many chemicals, preservatives, "taste enhancers", salt and fat as anything from McD and then you can say that, especially as the ban was introduced over a disease, scrapie, which has never been shown to be transferred to or affect humans in any way or that it entered the food chain via other means such as use of the lung in animal feed since it was "discovered" the best part of 300 years ago. Even then, scrapie has bugger all to do with the lungs, it's a neurological disease similar to Mad Cow Disease which is passed on via the sheep eating from ground contaminated by the shit from other sheep carrying the prion, it enters via the alimentary canal and not the respiratory system, so the reason for the ban on sheep lungs is rather irrational.

Stuff like McVomits, however, has been proven to be harmful thanks to the salt content, fat content, chemical additive content, etc.

I know which one I would rather have, and, as usual, "perceptions" end up taking precedence over "reality". I mean, you wouldn't feed your dog with McVomits but you happily give it all the food it wants that's filled with all sorts bits of animals that are left after the bits humans are allowed are removed, and, well, you don't see many dogs catching such illnesses such as scrapie but feed your mutt a diet of KFC and it's heart sure ain't going to last long.
My typical shopping bill for a week:

1 gallon milk $5
2 boxes of cereal $10 (Special K)
2 packages of ground chicken breast $10
1 pack of wheat buns $4
1 package wheat bread $4
1 ketchup $5 (lasts 1 month)
1 mustard $4 (lasts 1 month)
1 package organic blueberries $6
2 bunches of bananas $5
6 Bartlett pears (large) $8
1 package (4 cans) of Bumble Bee top shelf tuna $9
1 package of Apple Cinnamon oatmeal $5
1 special pizza a week $25 (not Domino's garbage)

That's $100 right there and I didn't count my once a week out for dinner with friends which usually costs around $30.

Then I have other household costs of things that need to be done with every month so I blend that in with food costs. So if I keep the household stuff and the dinner with friends off I average about $400 a month for food only.

I usually set $600 aside each month for food and "other" house stuff. $200 is a big difference per month. My apologies for not calculating correctly :blsmoke:
i hate each and every one of you fuckers.
with my stomach, i get to eat yogurt, mashed potatoes, ice cream....can't have gluten, can't eat anything with a lot of fiber....
so a weeks groceries for me is 12 2lb. tubs of yogurt, two boxes of carnation instant breakfast packets, a box of instant mashed potatoes, a couple cans of condensed milk. once a month i buy butter, cheese, coffee (the kind with the acid removed, usually folger's simply smooth) i spend about 300 a month to feed just me.....just yogurt......again......
Damn, I hate that for you Brother. I can eat any thing I decide to. I do have some queasiness these days if I eat a lot of fried food, but other than that, no repercussions.

I go weeks at a time without eating beef. But I had several leftover steaks here at work, and the last 3-4 days I have been eating steak stir-fry with grilled {pepper jack} cheeses.