Seems like my girl got pollinated..


Well-Known Member
Hey guys..

I started flowering two weeks ago and all my plants are confirmed female. Haven't found balls anywhere (I looked REALLY hard). As time passed by however, I feel like my pistils are retracting in.. Some are okay, but some definitely retracted in.. Simple plant biology points to pollination.. What are your opinions?




Well-Known Member
Oh I thought it wouldn't really help since all you can see is the calyx for the retracted ones :/
I'll put some up soon though if you think it will help



Well-Known Member
well in time we could see if it looks like theres a bun in the oven make it easyer but i guess you could look for that. if you never had a male flower in there and there are no flowers on your plant i wouldnt stress it


Well-Known Member
If you have any pistils that have turned early in flowering than chances are that the bitch is pregnant.


you will never have to buy more seed. With the price of seeds are you really that bad off? If you do the math $5.00 a seed has the price of Gold beat by 100 %


Well-Known Member
I don't plan to buy any more seeds forever coz I have 2 clones off this plant vegging right now and they will be my mothers. Crazy genetics on this one though.. I don't want to let it go..



Well-Known Member
you will never have to buy more seed. With the price of seeds are you really that bad off? If you do the math $5.00 a seed has the price of Gold beat by 100 %
he can just clone and have better weed from the plant having no needs. cloning saves me money been doing t for yrs i cant remember the last time i had to buy them


Well-Known Member
Good news guys, I totally just missed the pistils! I found some on the same budding sites. Also, I realized that ALL the pistils should have retracted if there were pollen. It seems everything is OK!
