Seems to just be the bottom fan leaves…

I stopped in Anthony NM to setup a grow for a friend who had his medical card. 2014. First thing I asked was he on well water. Nope he had water from this water company (not Anthony municipal water). I used my Hanna Primo and checked it. Everything but 900 ppm. Cannot be right. Had to go and buy calibration solution in El Paso. Calibrated that sucker and checked again. It didn’t need to be recalibrated. That was real. Took some warm water and sprinkled bread yeast on it. It was still floating a couple hours later.

Had to haul from a kiosk in Anthony. I’ll guarantee you he tried watering with it after I left town. Total trash water.
And here I was thinking 300ppm was a bit steep.
Ok, finally made it back from Alaska.. Good thing soil can be forgiving…? They definitely look worse. They aren’t thirsty right now based on the soil so i don’t think the droop and additional mottled leaves are from that. I don’t think ( I wasn’t here) that they were overwatered while I was away. I can’t really water again yet to get some nutrients in there in those pots so are we still thinking a move to the final pots in fresh soil and watered in with that 5-5-5? Was thinking I’d go half dose of both of them?


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Get better pots next grow those are for more like peace Lilly's or something you need pots with adequate drainage holes. Get the food going they'll go back green you did get calmag to right? Calcium deficiency showing as one of the deficiencies
I may have thought myself into a circle, need to verify.. LOL. Ok, they’re not really happy right now because they have a food shortage. I can transplant into their 5 gallons (Happy Frog) but should I transplant when they aren’t happy? I can hit them with the 5-5-5 + CALMAG treatment but if they’re roots are jacked in these pots, am I fighting a uphill battle? I could do both but that seems like it would burn them alive….
I'd transplant into 5 gallons of ocean forest water with tap and with a few to several calmag foliar sprays every 2 to 3 days skipping water days at lights out or 30mins before lights on completely coating leaves front and back especially backs. HF is really just a starter soil. You can add like 20 -30% HF on top that's what I do since I use mycorrhizae and HF contains mycorrhizae. Dont ph unless already using liquid nutrients that can effect soil ph that already phs itself around 6.5

Transplanting and using tap would probably suffice the foliar sprays would just speed that process up
Damn.. Holiday weekend. If all I have for the next few days is the Happy Frog, should I just wait until Tuesday to get the Ocean Forest? Maybe start the calmag foliage spray today??
You can run in HF fine I'd try OF next grow. Just plan on feeding sooner than you would OF. Happy frog will do a plant good just not for as long as other mediums. Happy frog just had mycorrhizae worm castings and bat guano right about the bat guano I haven't looked in so long. Ocean forest has fish emulsion, crab meal, shrimp meal, worm castings bat guano, kelp meal, and oyster shell. Oyster shell us calcium

Just water with calmag if it's not water day give the foliar spray then give a calmag water next watering full dose per gallon ph of 6.8
Around 5.8 to 6.0ph for foilar spray less than 300ppms I'll normally do 150-200 depending on how bad issue is could use more I wouldn't go over 300ppms
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Damn.. Holiday weekend. If all I have for the next few days is the Happy Frog, should I just wait until Tuesday to get the Ocean Forest? Maybe start the calmag foliage spray today??
Transplant will fix it, your soil is out out of nutrients
Ok so, ended up bringing a car of Covid back home as my souvenir from Alaska so this was actually a bit of work but here’s what I did:
1. Found “some” Ocean Forest but not enough to go 100%
2. Made a soil mixture of 3 parts Ocean Forest, 2 Parts Happy Frog and 1 part Perlite. Mixed well.
3. Transplanted all 3 into their final 5 gallon pots (I’ll see how the cloth bags go and adjust if needed next time around), using some White Shark on the roots.
4. Watered them all in with Tap water mixed with a half dose of the 5-5-5 and a full dose of Cal-Mag
5. Let them drain for a whiiiile to make sure they wouldn’t be sitting in water.
6. Rearranged the tent (dropped lights way down to adjust to final pots on floor
of tent versus small pots on a tv tray inside the tent)
7. Moved all fans, sensors and cameras down accordingly.
8. Moved them back into their home but keeping light at 40% for the next day or so.

and now we wait….. hopefully by next weekend they’ll be happy roided out young women. Then again, I could have just killed them all. Live and learn, right?? LOL

Thanks for everyone’s input. Great community here.D2F883B0-797A-4934-A8E6-840274ECF293.jpeg2F786F78-457C-4D1B-94D6-90B8BBF5ED6E.jpeg27D614E3-B873-48A4-8C85-5110B62BF025.jpegBC4FF51C-E99B-4CA9-B6F9-19DC30C6889F.jpeg2EA5F4DB-6E78-4E19-A70A-8D804D40545B.jpeg9FB0517F-54E2-4F0D-AA43-81B23E2BCA4E.jpeg4566FD19-F4BD-433F-8D96-0CFDBFC977E0.jpeg
Water them slow or water will come out the side of the pot possibly making a mess and if that mess is in a spot you cant get to thatll smell like shit for a week or 2. I'm considering going back to plastic been using those cloth pots for like 4 years. I like'em with my outdoor plants indoor not so much
Water them slow or water will come out the side of the pot possibly making a mess and if that mess is in a spot you cant get to thatll smell like shit for a week or 2. I'm considering going back to plastic been using those cloth pots for like 4 years. I like'em with my outdoor plants indoor not so much

I needed almost 2 gallons per to get runoff. It was fresh new soil so I get it. I did it in stages about 20 minutes apart and about a half gallon at a shot. Was hoping doing it that way would allow it to wet any dry pockets in there so that after that much water, there would be no internal deserts so to speak. This will be the first time I’ve used them (also, a noob so only have my 2 back in 2011 and this one to go by, LOL). I just read somewhere that they allow more air to get to the roots or something. Every product has their “story” I guess. We will see how they go. Obviously hoping for a glorious outcome since this is my first father/son grow (father being the teacher) and I want to show off a bit for my boy but either way we will learn from it.

This little boogers have a story as well. So far, my story about them is I’d rather use plant wire as I’m either not coordinated enough to use them or they’re a PITA to use.7BB6847E-E1B5-4CFF-BF23-C82B379044EB.jpeg
I've started to look at it like this. First it's the ability to reuse those pots. You can but they are usually pretty nasty after a grow cycle. Either by nutrients or hard water. Again you can clean and reuse but that's time consuming, trying to scrub all that dry shit out of the cloth fibers. Plastics I have a scrub brush I'll put a lil soap in each pot lil water from the water hose quick scrub and rinse. The cloths I just buy new ones each grow or 20 packs. Next yea they air prune and air prune well, but unless you're growing inside a certain pot for a certain amount of time, weed wont get root bound. Of course size pot and length of time matter but transplanting like we do or autos in 3 to 5 gallons root bound will never happen in a 3 to 4 month growing or flowering cycle again given larger pots 5 to 7 gallons. Also with air pruning that is literally what it does, hinders root growth. Wont effect plant but that doesn't aid either more roots bigger fruits. More roots more nutrients they'll be able to consume. The root growth you had in the plastic pot was nice you'll hardly see roots when you remove them from those cloth pots, they'll all be pruned. Lastly how slow you have to water and still cant water edges well. When they get bigger I water from bottom alot. Have to fill saucer let soak lift and see if they need more may take several times but it's faster just pouring in saucer and walking away. Unless you're using liquids that wouldnt be a good idea my bad.

Also on root bound I've grown seed to harvest in a solo cup many times. Running 12/12 from seed.
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I know me, I like simple. I like the fact that i can just clean and reuse a plastic. I need to consider that. If I stick with cloth, I just need myself to know that I’ll have to buy new every time cause I ain’t cleaning the bastages. LOL
Thanks again for everyone's help! The girls seem much happier now in their new homes with plenty to eat and drink. Do, I just leave those fans on there that are all all jacked up or remove them when I start doing training this weekend? They're not hurting me, they're just ugly. That said, are they not going to be of any real value and just sucking up energy that could be going to better places?


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Thanks again for everyone's help! The girls seem much happier now in their new homes with plenty to eat and drink. Do, I just leave those fans on there that are all all jacked up or remove them when I start doing training this weekend? They're not hurting me, they're just ugly. That said, are they not going to be of any real value and just sucking up energy that could be going to better places?
Remove any yellow/dieing leafs