Ok so, ended up bringing a car of Covid back home as my souvenir from Alaska so this was actually a bit of work but here’s what I did:
1. Found “some” Ocean Forest but not enough to go 100%
2. Made a soil mixture of 3 parts Ocean Forest, 2 Parts Happy Frog and 1 part Perlite. Mixed well.
3. Transplanted all 3 into their final 5 gallon pots (I’ll see how the cloth bags go and adjust if needed next time around), using some White Shark on the roots.
4. Watered them all in with Tap water mixed with a half dose of the 5-5-5 and a full dose of Cal-Mag
5. Let them drain for a whiiiile to make sure they wouldn’t be sitting in water.
6. Rearranged the tent (dropped lights way down to adjust to final pots on floor
of tent versus small pots on a tv tray inside the tent)
7. Moved all fans, sensors and cameras down accordingly.
8. Moved them back into their home but keeping light at 40% for the next day or so.
and now we wait….. hopefully by next weekend they’ll be happy roided out young women. Then again, I could have just killed them all. Live and learn, right?? LOL
Thanks for everyone’s input. Great community here.