Self Destructing Cabinets


Well-Known Member
I was trying to think of ways you could make a cabinet have some sort of self destruct mechanism, so in a pinch, you could press a button or something, and it would destroy itself and hide your evidence. So far my ideas were :
-Some sort of gas that leaks into the cabinet and vaporizes the plants.
-A garbage compactor style crusher that smooshes everything.
Any others?


Well-Known Member
my bad just seems so unrealistic...and so cant kill these like goodfellas and take your pinch like a im ripped


Well-Known Member
put some t.n.t under the house and when the fbi/drug squad. come to bust you, you cud blow the house.
no evidence. easy.
but your not going to jail for a few plants,chill.

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
LOL - wouldn't you just go to jail for blowing shit up instead? Funny idea though, it made me laugh - imagining a grow box rigged with thermite and explosives ready to go just in case... hahahaha

" Ah shit it's the coppers man!! Hit the switch!! " BOOOM

" hey officers, me growing marijuana? No what would make you think that? just blowing up some room in my house is all "


Well-Known Member
LOL - wouldn't you just go to jail for blowing shit up instead? Funny idea though, it made me laugh - imagining a grow box rigged with thermite and explosives ready to go just in case... hahahaha

" Ah shit it's the coppers man!! Hit the switch!! " BOOOM

" hey officers, me growing marijuana? No what would make you think that? just blowing up some room in my house is all "
oh shit the coppers are cumming,
blow that shit.


Well-Known Member
or a bucket of acid, to disolve all the grow closet plants ect.
im mite burn through the floor. but mite get rid of the evidance.
just a thought. but t.n.t rules.


Well-Known Member
well 90% a joke or not it not hard to rig up a system that will burn the closet, problem is it will burn the room and maybe house down too.


Well-Known Member
i always thought about this in a car. say you got a couple of keys of coke or 90lbs of bud like nate newton got popped for lol. instead of a long bid, what about a compartment that would incinerate evidence. i know it would be difficult but would be better then a 20 year bid.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
You don't have to blow anything up. I think you could make a simple flame-thrower that is aimed at the plants and would send a 'stream' of flame directed at the plants only and incinerate them. I think there are laws though that concern having the roots and roots equal I dunno...but the flame thrower would work to get rid of the plants without setting everything on fire...if you set it up properly. Hmm...would they go through the trouble of testing the roots to see what type of roots they are just to convict someone...

I wish I was stoned I could probably help more...


Well-Known Member
have a bucket of bleach and a seprate bucket of amonia
pul a rope have them both dump on the plants they will dissovle the plants and will make a deadly gas so no one will go near it untill its too late


Well-Known Member
You could just strap an explosive vest on. When you hear that knock on the door you head to your closet and hit the switch. Even if they do find plant debris, and are able to identify it as cannabis, you're still off the hook. I got this idea from the news. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
with this line of thread there is no need to blow stuff up.

just have scotty beam the stuff out to another location and beam it back when fuzz is gone......

now when thats done put the joint down and come back to reality
