Active Member
Looking at the Illumitex LED them self doesn't revile any specs, regarding the specific spectrum's used.
Let me use this analogy:
If you've only ever eaten average steak, you would not know how wonderful an organically grown grass fed steak tastes. Hell you might not even appreciate it.
It seems you are content with where you are on the importance of 500-600. So be it.
As they say in Texas, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.
Photosynthesis is tightly linked with total amount of photons absorbed. This concept is the base of all, and it should be clear for any grower. So im going to analyze it deeper:
-Amount of photons. Not of watts, or lm. Plants use photons, so the number of photons is the essential figure to consider. The more the photons which reach the plant, the better (up to a limit).
Its important to note that same energy (for example 1 watt) of blue (450nm) have 33% less photons than of red ones (670nm) (450/670=0.67 : as noted before, energy carried by a photon is inversely proportional to its wl) if we take the amount of red photons as base. If we take the amount of blue photons as reference, then 1 watt of red ones carries 49%, near half, more photons (670/450=149). So very often, producing as more red photons possible is the most effective way of using artificial light for growing plants (if the efficiency of producing 1 watt of each are similar).
Please we are talking about a spectrum of light, not taste or eating with good conscience.
No I'm not content, I've just not see any evidence that green light should have any special purpose.
If we are throwing out spectral absorption patterns because they are based on spinach, tomato, and lettuce, than can we really say that LEDs manufactured to grow lettuce are any good for bud? Not at all trying to bash illumatex but to assume that they are great because they grow lettuce large scale seems a bit off.
Look at the productivity of Tomato (similar to MJ, better than cucumber one) under this research
http://biology.mcgill.ca/Phytotron/LightWkshp1994/1.4 Prikupets/Prikupets text.htm
I'm not following your ways of dividing the wavelength to get results.
Could you please look at this page, where there is a WL vs. Ev calculator.
When using that, there is this difference in energy between the to states of vibration.
A red photon with WL of 660nm have a energy of 1.879 eV
A blue photon with WL of 442nm have a energy of 2.808 eV
I see it as getting hit by a heavy weight(blue) vs. a light weight(red)
a blue led sends out fewer punches but is hitting 35% harder than red.
That I could not see in your calculations.
from that grapht I am afraid you cannot say "green isn't beneficial for tomato growing" sorry.
It is beneficial at his best at 15%, that's what we see from that
and anyway that's not the full story, but it's something to consider
That was knna thread, it would be nice to have a clarification from him .. difficult to find him around those days
have you read the whole article?
From what is my understanding, the fact that the blue has more "energy" that's for sure ...
but the majority of the sun usable photons come from the 670nm, more than any other wl.
So plants have adapted to that, of course, for growing.
More energy blue (more watts) doesn't mean more usable photons?
Wanted to bump on this post, in this study : http://www.lzi.lt/tomai/97(2)tomas/97_2_tomas_str10.pdf, done in 2010 with LEDs on tomato plants, the results are the following:Look at the productivity of Tomato (similar to MJ, better than cucumber one) under this research
http://biology.mcgill.ca/Phytotron/LightWkshp1994/1.4 Prikupets/Prikupets text.htm
I think what Knna meant is that the energy of each photon is not relevant and what's relevant is the total number of photons hitting the plant. I hate to say this but it seems to have become common knowledge that a majority of red light is more beneficial to the plant than a majority of blue. I have not seen successful growths of marijuana using only blue light while the opposite is true.Making a blue photon takes 2.8Ev where a red only takes 1.8Ev
so off course using 1W of electricity there is more photons coming out of a red LED than a blue one.
but the impact of the chlorophyll from a blue photon should be larger and produce more energy than a red one.
I'm thinking about the human skin, where visible light have no biological effect, but high energy UV has
the power to interact with the pigment and make vitamin D, and going higher
alpha(helium nuclei), beta(electrons) and gamma(high frequency photons) rays have the power to mess with the DNA of the cell.
Maybe blue light work in a deeper layer of the leaf than red.
I don't quite get it, both chlorophyll a & B have spike's at red an blue
and the absorption in the blue is higher.
Carotenoids are tetraterpenoid organic pigments that are naturally occurring in the chloroplasts and chromoplasts
of plants and some other photosynthetic organisms like algae, some bacteria, and some types of fungus.
There are over 600 known carotenoids; they are split into two classes, xanthophylls (which contain oxygen)
and carotenes (which are purely hydrocarbons, and contain no oxygen).
Carotenoids in general absorb blue light.
They serve two key roles in plants and algae: they absorb light energy for use in photosynthesis, and they protect
chlorophyll from photodamage.[SUP][2][/SUP]
In oxygenic photosynthetic organisms, specifically flora and cyanobacteria, the carotenoid β-carotene plays a vital role in
the photosynthetic reaction centre where, due to quantum mechanical reasons arising from the symmetry of the molecule,
it provides a mechanism for photoprotection against auto-oxidation. They also participate in the energy-transfer process.
In non-photosynthesizing organisms, such as humans, carotenoids have been linked to oxidation-preventing mechanisms.