Self Running Generators


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to these educated naysayers, OP! They are brainwashed with the Establishment's lies. My neighborhood has a cold fusion generator up and working great, it takes about 5 gallons of water a week to make enough electricity for everyone around here. I have 123 little fans in my grow room powering everything, so I grow weed for free. These guys don't know about the Youtube act of 2009 that dictates everything posted there must be true. Fuck science, what has it ever done for us? You go, guys!!!
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Well-Known Member
You ever hear of nikola tesla? He spent his whole life trying to prove what you are talking about.He died penniless.But ya this dude on youtube found the fucking secret.

PS.he was a physics major.
Tesla died penniless because he signed a bad contract and got royally screwed.
His inventions have arguably helped society evolve and still lights your home today.
The work on rf fields and that free energy source were never finished or were blocked by those still bathing in the profits of his old tech.