selfing aka self pollinating question

the newbies

Active Member
I've done some reading on this subject with the grow bible but it really doesnt explain how to actually do it. really that whole book is just guidelines on growing. I like to just look at the pics to be honest, although I have read the whole thing.

Ok back to my question I was wondering how do you self pollinate without a hermie being involved? I have some blueberry skunk I would like to try and pollinate using this method. Now from what I understand it takes more than one go around to get the same genes as the mother plant. I currently clone but just for future references I would like to know how to self pollinate so if anything goes wrong I'll have seeds to start back up cuz where I'm at it's rare to get exotic clones

If anyone has any knowledge on this please give me your input...
you can self pollinate, it's called an S1(for selfed)
i got one of those without trying, but there are a number of methods for making a plant hermie
colloidal silver is much used
you can take the pollen, and use it on another plant to create feminized seeds
selfed seed might be very close to the parent, i'm experimenting with seeds like that now
Will 10ppm colloidal silver that you get at health/vitamin stores work?

from the posts i've seen, it won't, but i'm no expert at colloidal silver
making colloidal silver from a silver coin/metal and battery is supposed to be fairly easy
there's a thread around here on it
so I need that colloidal silver in order to S1? what are some of the other methods?

an unstable female will do it, that comes up at random
another method is to light 'poison', switching the light schedule may cause male blooms
there are other chemicals, colloidal silver is usually the easiest to get/make
now if I do use the colloidal silver will the plant I use it on polinate the rest of my girls? or how does it work and how do you go about applying it?
now if I do use the colloidal silver will the plant I use it on polinate the rest of my girls? or how does it work and how do you go about applying it?

probably will pollinate everything if you keep it in the same room
i think you use a spray bottle to apply, but i'd check carefully on that, it's not harmless, and you shouldn't smoke a treated plant
I've done some reading on this subject with the grow bible but it really doesnt explain how to actually do it. really that whole book is just guidelines on growing. I like to just look at the pics to be honest, although I have read the whole thing.

Ok back to my question I was wondering how do you self pollinate without a hermie being involved? I have some blueberry skunk I would like to try and pollinate using this method. Now from what I understand it takes more than one go around to get the same genes as the mother plant. I currently clone but just for future references I would like to know how to self pollinate so if anything goes wrong I'll have seeds to start back up cuz where I'm at it's rare to get exotic clones

If anyone has any knowledge on this please give me your input...

Colloidal Silver is easy to do. Here is a good thread by Grumpy Old Dreamer.

I have been done it several times and I am growing out the first S1s I made right now. The two I have going are healthy identical twins that are exactly like their mum. ;-)
I know this is a old thread but once the female plant starts producing male pollen sacks do I have to harvest the pollen or can I just let it pollinate the plant its already on.
the plant that has both pollen and pistils will very easily self pollinate, if that's what you want
those are S1 feminized seeds, Selfed - generation 1
if you use the pollen to fertilize another plant, those will also be feminized, S1 seeds seem to show more 'strange' phenotypes, but that's very limited experience
I know this is a old thread but once the female plant starts producing male pollen sacks do I have to harvest the pollen or can I just let it pollinate the plant its already on.
you can just leave it.. let the flowers begin to open and turn off the exhaust fan. I personally would shake the harm in between your other non treated plants and try to take some actual flowers or pollen on a brush and insert it deep into the pistils.
the strain you want to "SELF" you take clones of grow them both out, make one hermi out and pollonate the other clone with the pollon, that should give you female seeds that are very simular to the parent......
the strain you want to "SELF" you take clones of grow them both out, make one hermi out and pollonate the other clone with the pollon, that should give you female seeds that are very simular to the parent......

This is what I've heard as well, from Jorge Cervantes, Soma and Greg Green (not personally of course, I mean I've seen it in video or read it in a guide or interview.)
if it pollonates it self, they will be regular seed that have a hermi trait. if you pollonate it's genitic twin (clone) that isn't hermied, with the forced hermi's pollon, it will be Female seeds. I have never heard anybody else say this, but in my experiance this is how it works out. I hope i helped you in you furture breeding endevers.
so I need that colloidal silver in order to S1? what are some of the other methods?

The silver, and also Silver thiosulfate solution, (STS) will also make a plant hermie...which is the only way for a plant to self anything that makes a hermie...sometimes they happen genetically, but they are a reaction to stress...the plant thinks it will die, so it grows some pollen to make seeds before it does die...Sometimes messing with the light schedules will do it..., Sometimes too much water, or too little, can do it...sometimes too much nutes can do it...
But the STS was cheap yo buy the stuff for and easy to make and I went with that, when I wanted to make my own fem seeds...It worked great.
if it pollonates it self, they will be regular seed that have a hermi trait. if you pollonate it's genitic twin (clone) that isn't hermied, with the forced hermi's pollon, it will be Female seeds. I have never heard anybody else say this, but in my experiance this is how it works out. I hope i helped you in you furture breeding endevers.

That is totally the case, except a self pollinated plant's seeds will also all be female, but a good many will be female hermies, and not actually female at are less likely to get hermies if you use the pollen on another plant, as opposed to self pollinating...
I took a clone of a strain and then hermied one clone, and flowered the I got fem seeds from the not hermie clone...I mean the hermie clone also made seeds, but I tossed those out...just didn't trust them.
if it pollonates it self, they will be regular seed that have a hermi trait.

I'm not sure that's 100% accurate. If it herms because of stress, it's genetic and those genes become more likely to be inherited. But if it was hermed because of chemicals applied, that doesn't actually change the DNA. So its chance of passing on the ability to become a hermaphrodite depends on whether it contains the genes that control expression of that behavior.