selling jewelry? where would you take it?


Well-Known Member
14kt gold diamond necklace.. brand new, never worn.

it retails for about $1750

i would rather not go to a pawn shop becuase they probably wouldn't give me a cent over a grand.. where would you take it to get the most cash possible?
Yeah, no one is gonna buy expensive jewelry for market price, and when it comes to gold, it's all about weight.
carat weight is like .60

i'm not asking for market price but i'd feel ripped off to get anything less than $1250-$1350
ul never ge3t that mate unless u sell privately which if u can wait is ur best bet...jewlers and dealers want to double there money so u lookin at 7-800 top wack
To be honest, you will probably be lucky if you get half of what you paid for it...It's hard to sell jewelry for what it's worth without a retail shop to display it in...Try craigslist or Ebay with a reserve...
Take it around to a few different jewelers and ask what they would give ya for it and take the best offer.
yeah i'll probably let it sit on craigslist for a while.. and maybe throw an ad in the paper if craigslist doesn't work out.

it's a ladies necklace and i'm not broke or anything so waiting isn't really an issue.
Aside from a little over half a carat, how many grams is the necklace? It's all just solid 14k gold and diamonds, right?
i don't know all of the details or the weight becuase i don't have it, it's a free work gift that i wont get for a while. i just picked the most expensive gift so i could sell it (it was all jewlery, some luggage bags and a $900 dollar old dslr camera)
Do you already have a sick camera? I woulda just taken the dslr...I dunno, I think ebay is your best bet.
If you don’t need the money keep it, right now Jewelry is only worth the gold weight, nothing more, the diamond is worth less to most buyers (a lot more diamonds then demand right now). When you bought it, you paid for gold, a diamond, the cut of the diamond, and the entire jewelry work. That’s all a wash; it’s the weight of gold and good luck on the diamond. At some good places you can get about $100 under the current price per Oz of gold.
it was some nikon from 2008, but i don't need a fancy camera lol. and if i ever do want one i'll do what i always do and spend like 2 grand on the nicest most complex dslr camera i can find... then i'll let it collect dust like all of my other expensive items lol
You would be lucky if you were paid well from a pawn shop. I recommend going to and contacting them regarding selling your jewelry. They are great to work with and specialists for this!
Diamonds aren't a commodity; they're a trauma.
Just try to resell a diamond for any reasonable percentage of its "appraised value".
Just try to find a used-diamond marketplace that'll sell them to you at what, or even what plus 20%, they'd give you for the same diamond.
It's a racket. cn
I'd expect to get about 20-30% less than what you paid, best case scenario. A jeweler might take it off your hands, but like I said, I wouldn't expect anything close to full price (maybe 50% from a jeweler). They have to invest capital in something that may take months to sell, chances are you will get even less than that. What quality are the diamonds?

Your best bet, as others have said, to get close to full price is definitely going to be Ebay, but you'll probably be waiting a long time (maybe you'll get lucky though!).