Sen. Cory Booker's Marijuana Justice Act Petition.

They also put you on the list for all sorts of petitions and will bombard you. I used one of my tertiary emails that I don't use much
Was your bombardment redolent of stereotypes? LOL Thanks for following up.

It's quite apparent you didn't read it.
I did and anyone else can in it's entirety here:

Back to your clickbait shilling bacon breath
The law Basically Exempts Everyone from TARGETING, and if the cops are arresting people in states that don't legalize and an uneven amount of minority groups are being arrested, they lose their Federal Funding. Whats the problem with that?? Keeps the cops honest, and not target people. I'm 10000000% for it.

Theres already more white people being arrested, just not at the same %%%% as minorities. Minorities are easy targets, usually poor, and lack the funds for a good lawyer, and get screwed.

I'm all for it. Make them ( Law Enforcement ) stop the BS. Ive experienced their BS 1st hand. I'm WHITE.... Incl FBI, State Police, and Local. Federal Prosecutor. Theyre all punks as far as the 1s Ive come in contact with.
They try and get you to rat your mom out if they can, and then they throw you to the sharks. I told then FU, AND LAUGHED AT THEM.

I did almost 7 years in Federal Prison, and then 8.5 YEARS of Supervised Release $3,000,000 fine for growing, as my partner got caught and ratted me out, and I got charged for 1000 clones. Fine was dropped. Cant get blood out of a turnip.

Mine was a Mandatory Minimum of 10-Life and up to a $5,000,000 fine.

They need to stop the madness, and they aren't going to, unless theyre made to. Its that simple. To many are on the take with the Pill Makers.