Sen. Cory Booker's Marijuana Justice Act Petition.

I read all of it. Im all for it. Whats not to like about it ?? Cops have been messing with weed people long enough. End the madness.
it says the federal government wont give states funding for MORE prisons and jails unless white people are arrested at a HIGHER rate than they are now. you feel good liberals think that this bill means a less arrests in general. why wouldn't the bill just say that the federal government is going to cut funding to jails and prisons? it literally forces states to go out and find white people to convict and incarcerate for marijuana charges. if they stopped arresting minorities at higher rates meanwhile kept the arrest rate even on white people why would they need more prisons and jails? Doesn't matter anyway it ill never pass.
The law Basically Exempts Everyone from TARGETING, and if the cops are arresting people in states that don't legalize and an uneven amount of minority groups are being arrested, they lose their Federal Funding. Whats the problem with that?? Keeps the cops honest, and not target people. I'm 10000000% for it.

Theres already more white people being arrested, just not at the same %%%% as minorities. Minorities are easy targets, usually poor, and lack the funds for a good lawyer, and get screwed.

I'm all for it. Make them ( Law Enforcement ) stop the BS. Ive experienced their BS 1st hand. I'm WHITE.... Incl FBI, State Police, and Local. Federal Prosecutor. Theyre all punks as far as the 1s Ive come in contact with.
They try and get you to rat your mom out if they can, and then they throw you to the sharks. I told then FU, AND LAUGHED AT THEM.

I did almost 7 years in Federal Prison, and then 8.5 YEARS of Supervised Release $3,000,000 fine for growing, as my partner got caught and ratted me out, and I got charged for 1000 clones. Fine was dropped. Cant get blood out of a turnip.

Mine was a Mandatory Minimum of 10-Life and up to a $5,000,000 fine.

They need to stop the madness, and they aren't going to, unless theyre made to. Its that simple. To many are on the take with the Pill Makers.

not to mention you likely lost your right to buy fire arms as well. if this law is in acted, they will try and reverse some of the past charges; which would help a lot of people I know who are caught in this problem.
Quit moving the goal posts.
yep I'm the one pulling the strings. you gotta be kidding. schedule 2 will require you to pay for clinical testing to sell your products. How many growers do you know who can pay for that? oh well fuck the whole industry supporting hundreds of thousands of people and families.
qc is never gonna be able to be achieved. if you give them a lb to test every bud will have different levels and weights. what did the government do that made you feel they have your best interest at heart? it's a bunch of money grubbin demons trying to make money off your work. meanwhile the whole time you have been doing any of this they have been threatening you with jail. they are about to take it away and give it to their college buddies and you think that's an improvement. gtfo
schedule 2 will put all you "legal" growers out of business

LOL, not so much.

cannabis is a lot like wine, or cognac's and micro brews. while there might be some larger commercial scale, with a consistent product at a reasonable price; there will still be a market for the many-many, even more choices in cannabis.

also C2's still need a written prescription, for each month, C3's you can get refills. this will be neither.

they said the same thing about medical; I looked to what happen in prohibition and more recently states like CO and WA state(<--home) people still want choices, in fact I think its one of the more attractive market qualities in cannabis, in that you can have so many options, or that you can have a rare pheno, that is shinny.

if anything it will allow micro-ops more options/places to market their products.
LOL, not so much.

cannabis is a lot like wine, or cognac's and micro brews. while there might be some larger commercial scale, with a consistent product at a reasonable price; there will still be a market for the many-many, even more choices in cannabis.

also C2's still need a written prescription, for each month, C3's you can get refills. this will be neither.

they said the same thing about medical; I looked to what happen in prohibition and more recently states like CO and WA state(<--home) people still want choices, in fact I think its one of the more attractive market qualities in cannabis, in that you can have so many options, or that you can have a rare pheno, that is shinny.

if anything it will allow micro-ops more options/places to market their products.
there is no comparison between wine and a schedule 2 drug or how much money it takes either one to get onto the legal market. I agree with what you're saying about how there will be different levels and qualities of grows. but if our govt makes it a schedule 2 you will be required to have clinical studies and qc on your product. if you don't have a 100% consistent product which is impossible with a biological organism. you will not be able to sell it. this is why marinol is able to be prescribed meanwhile marijuana is illegal at a federal level. do you guys really think the government is looking out for you and want your cottage industry to continue growing? or do you think it's more realistic that they want to give their campaign donors and corporate bosses the control of our multi billion dollar market?
Drug development and pre-clinical trials focus on non-human subjects and work on animals such as rats. This is the most inexpensive phase of testing.

The Food and Drug Administration mandates a 3 phase clinical trial testing that tests for side effects and the effectiveness of the drug with a single phase clinical trial costing upwards of $100 million.

After a drug has passed through all three phases, the pharmaceutical company can move forward with a New Drug Application from the FDA. In 2014, the FDAcharged between $1 million to $2 million for an NDA.

yeah this will open up the market and totally not put it into the hands of major corporations.
there is no comparison between wine and a schedule 2 drug or how much money it takes either one to get onto the legal market. I agree with what you're saying about how there will be different levels and qualities of grows. but if our govt makes it a schedule 2 you will be required to have clinical studies and qc on your product. if you don't have a 100% consistent product which is impossible with a biological organism. you will not be able to sell it. this is why marinol is able to be prescribed meanwhile marijuana is illegal at a federal level. do you guys really think the government is looking out for you and want your cottage industry to continue growing? or do you think it's more realistic that they want to give their campaign donors and corporate bosses the control of our multi billion dollar market?
You are arguing a position irrelevant to the petition. The petition is not about the future of and who controls the cannabis industry.