Sen. Cory Booker's Marijuana Justice Act Petition.

it says the federal government wont give states funding for MORE prisons and jails unless white people are arrested at a HIGHER rate than they are now. you feel good liberals think that this bill means a less arrests in general. why wouldn't the bill just say that the federal government is going to cut funding to jails and prisons? it literally forces states to go out and find white people to convict and incarcerate for marijuana charges. if they stopped arresting minorities at higher rates meanwhile kept the arrest rate even on white people why would they need more prisons and jails? Doesn't matter anyway it ill never pass.

The only one to actually read the bill with enough critical thinking skills to figure out what's wrong with it. I'm impressed. Can't say as much for the rest of this group though.
you talking about the guy who asks me about my jew gold when he's not busy throwing racial slurs around?

normally opposites attract but ignorance does not abide by that law.
It did not say that.

Your comprehension is lacking.

Police have a tendency to target minorities. It removes the incentive to do so.

It also says nothing about it being scheduled anything. It will remove it from the schedule.
I am always amazed at their lack of reading comprehension compared to their post rate, how is that even possible?
This is No Place in the bill that gives authority to ATF.

I Read the Complete Bill, and there's Nowhere in the bill where ATF is mentioned. None. I may have missed it, but I looked for it, it aint there. Please show me.

In fact, the bill Explicitly States that..... States Shall Make Their Own Laws.

ATF is Federal.

Sen. Booker’s bill would disallow the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) from overseeing a national marijuana policy, and allow states to set their own laws with regards to marijuana enforcement.

Notice the part where it says that "States Will Be Allowed to Set Their Own Laws Regarding Marijuana Enforcement" ????

That's pretty easy to comprehend. States Shall Make Laws. Not Feds.

Also while I wasn't a huge Clinton fan, she did agree to the Democratic Platform that would Reschedule Marijuana, vs tRumP/Sessions want to bring back Privatized FEDERAL Prisons, and load em up with weed people, and drug addicts/mentally Ill, that would be better served with treatment, and cheaper too.

Very few have had any more skin in the game than me. I think I stated earlier I did a total of 15 Years with the Federal System, for Indoor Cultivation, No Violence, or Firearms ect.

I spent 10 months of sleeping on the floor with no bed, 32 men in a 10 man cell, and everyone else smoked cigs, and I didn't. This was all before I made it to Federal Prison.

Guys going through Opiate, Meth withdrawal, and many of them get to a point they are unaware they are in jail, and start saying, and doing all kinds of crazy shit. Crapping everywhere, Vomit Everywhere. And some things I wont mention here. We had to call the guards many times because of people doing some really crazy stuff, and were dangerous to both themselves, and other inmates. Then all they will do is put them in an isolation cell, and go through unattended withdrawal. And this was YEARS AGO. 90s-2000's Its even worse now.

But just from a weed prospective. Like him, or not. Obama was the best thing that ever happened to weed. He left the states basically alone, and as long as they were following state law, there were few raids. He was for setting up Banking Laws for those in legal business. He let Both Rec/Med Slide. He would have done more, but would have been accused by the right of being weak on driugs, and then throw in his face that he admitted to smoking weed, and snorting coke, Knowing full well this would be used against him.

He also admitted to inhaling, and that that was the point. He was brutally honest.

And for those that didn't like Hillary, you could have written in Donald Duck, or even yourself. I'm sure many here would be better, than what he have. I'm sure of it.

I dont see how anyone that's for weed, and for stopping the imprisonment, bullying, Harassment of nonviolent weed doings, can come on this forum, and defend the current administration, with a straight face.

Its not logical.

Also again. Not defending, or saying anyone should have voted for Hillary. Just not rump. Anyone but rump. McMullen would have been much better, though I wouldn't have voted for him either.

Also consider I'm from a state where I still cant vote because of my convictions.
I know you believe that you understand what you think I said

But I am not sure that you realize

That what you heard, is not what I meant

it says the federal government wont give states funding for MORE prisons and jails unless white people are arrested at a HIGHER rate than they are now. you feel good liberals think that this bill means a less arrests in general. why wouldn't the bill just say that the federal government is going to cut funding to jails and prisons? it literally forces states to go out and find white people to convict and incarcerate for marijuana charges. if they stopped arresting minorities at higher rates meanwhile kept the arrest rate even on white people why would they need more prisons and jails? Doesn't matter anyway it ill never pass.

That's Total Crap.

It states that Low Income People are also Included.

Last time I looked there are MORE Low Income Whites, that there are All Minorities Combined.

I'm also white, so don't accuse me of being a minority. I am married to a Beautiful Filipina woman. But I HATE BIGOTS/Liars, and Mirepresenter of the FACTS.. There Are No Alternative Facts. Those are called LIES.
Holy shit that screed and now you are quoting Tricky Dicky! Just whoa, @Indacouch that was some killer Fruity Pebbles

Yeah. He was a Real Sweetie. Wasn't He??? I thought it may be a bit of a Brain Twister for some.. Pat Buchanan wrote that for Nixon. Hes a real sweetie too.

People reading crap into the bill that aint there. Doublespeak. Just like Nixons Quote... There is NO ATF REGULATION. All Regulation Laws of Enforcement are Up to the States.

I was for McGovern. I also protested against the war.

Nixon also gave us Paraquat, and started the whole war on Drugs. You can thank Tricky for Genocide on the IBL Mexican strains. Used to be Mexican was some of the best stuff available.

Original Haze had Oaxacan. 50%
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Yeah. He was a Real Sweetie. Wasn't He??? I thought it may be a bit of a Brain Twister for some.. Pat Buchanan wrote that for Nixon. Hes a real sweetie too.

People reading crap into the bill that aint there. Doublespeak. Just like Nixons Quote... There is NO ATF REGULATION. All Regulation Laws of Enforcement are Up to the States.

I was for McGovern. I also protested against the war.

Nixon also gave us Paraquat, and started the whole war on Drugs. You can thank Tricky for Genocide on the IBL Mexican strains. Used to be Mexican was some of the best stuff available.

Original Haze had Oaxacan. 50%
Michoacan was where it was at, best weed I ever smoked and I stopped when Paraquat started. So when were you born?
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QtrNdaPuss said:
it says the federal government wont give states funding for MORE prisons and jails unless white people are arrested at a HIGHER rate than they are now. you feel good liberals think that this bill means a less arrests in general. why wouldn't the bill just say that the federal government is going to cut funding to jails and prisons? it literally forces states to go out and find white people to convict and incarcerate for marijuana charges. if they stopped arresting minorities at higher rates meanwhile kept the arrest rate even on white people why would they need more prisons and jails? Doesn't matter anyway it ill never pass.
Click to expand...

I want to know where. Exactly where it says this in the bill?? It doesn't say this.

The NCCP fact sheet shows that among America’s poor children, 4.2 million are white, 4 million are Latino, 3.6 million are African American, 400,000 are Asian, and 200,000 are American Indian.

Figure 1: Poor children, by race

While the figures indicate that indeed more white children are poor, they also show, however, that higher percentages of minorities live in poor families:

So by sheer #s this bill protects MORE low income whites.

Whites make up1/3 total #s of all low income people vs minorities combined

White people make up most of the prison population, but %%% wise, minorities are grossly Over Represented.
LOL I've been slowly savoring them. There's one strain in there, a silver grey, I would love a clone of, really nice.

Yes....I'm planning to fill up a house with that's been quite popular....I've already got you at the top of the list for some baby's when I get em ....the oil from that is my sisters go to potion for during the day.....I'm certain you've got a taste of that as well.

I would have already done a large plot of silver...but I didn't realize how much my patients were guna like it until after I filled my space .....and to think my supplier gave me those Silvers as freebies last year....same with the Dream Star ...those were free as well ....I loved the smell of the Dream Star ...super fruity pine sol....but I didn't care much for the smoke ....patients absolutely loved the shit out of it ....but I'm also not a fan of the SSH either love or hate that shit

I've had a few friends including my brother in law go into full on freak out mode from that shit ...LMAO