Senate confirms Gina Haspel as CIA director

The usual immature comment from the one who can't declare what side he's on.
So 'immature' is your new put down.? I have noticed that you seem to settle on one specific one for a while.and apply it to everybody you don't like. It is usually after you are accused of that same thing as if you even lack the originality to come up with your own insults.

So how is your organizing going? Have you chased off everybody in person yet or do you still have a person or two you can talk to face to face without them rolling their eyes and no longer returning your calls? It is hard to imagine anybody but a few children tolerating your pompous, one-sided bullshit for long. And even the children will eventually see you for what you are; a feckless, foaming, firebrand in the thrall of second rate internet propagandists.

Were there ever any people in real life, or has this all been about a few internet people who don't live in this hemisphere?

Have you considered taking up goth-raving? These kids look like they'll listen... for a while.

17 Democrats voted to deregulate those banks, remember?

You're such an apologist tool.

Don't forget that nearly every Democrat voted for the defense appropriation bill too.

Complicit is an excellent term for what the Democratic Party has become.

So by your words, out of 49 Democratic Party Senators and, 17 voted for the banking deregulation bill.which makes ALL DEMOCRATS complicit. Doesn't matter that 2/3 voted against it, a minority voted for it. So all are guilty..

All but eight Democrats voted for the Defense Appropriation bill last September. Which makes all Democrats complicit in bombing Yemen. Bernie didn't. Bernie is a Democrat. Bernie, by your poor logic is complicit.