Senators will introduce a federal medical marijuana bill tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Rand will show leadership if he reschedules MJ where it belongs. I don't think Sched. 2 is the correct place for it, if that is what he is thinking about doing. As an article I read suggested, but seems to have been edited since it first appeared?.


Well-Known Member
no, i'll thank kirsten gillibrand and cory booker.

rend pawl is just a parasite opportunist hoping to boost his electability, he has stated that he does not want to end the drug war when he is catering to evangelicals.

also, this.



spineless unprincipled hypocrite racist privileged piece of scum.


Well-Known Member
Hey @UncleBuck, why are you ignoring this thread?

Wouldn't you have to say that "Rend Pawl" did something right here?

If you don't, then you're a hypocrite.
the only hypocrite here is rend pawl.

he endorsed the guy who would "fight marijuana tooth and nail" 2 years ago hoping for some GOP love.

now he is toadying up to democrats and hoping we will forget all about that?

kinda reminds me of how he goes around telling people that he never opposed civil rights.


Well-Known Member

On Drug Policy, Rand Paul Is Not a Libertarian

At Sen. Rand Paul's speech to Howard University students Wednesday, the first round of applause went to the two student protesters who stood in front of the stage and unfurled a banner that read, "Howard University Does Not Support White Supremacy." The first round of applause for Paul came 10 minutes or so into his prepared remarks, when the junior senator from Kentucky said, "We should not have laws that ruin the lives of young men and women who have committed no violence. That’s why I have introduced a bill to repeal federal mandatory minimum sentences." Finally: clapping!

The bill Paul introduced last month--called the Justice Safety Valve Act of 2013--isn't nearly so expansive as he led his audience to believe. While the act would allow "courts--in some circumstances--to sentence a person below the mandatory minimum if that sentence is too lengthy, unjust or unreasonable, or doesn’t fit the offender or the crime," it doesn't require judges to deviate from the mandatory minimum, nor does it entitle offenders who fit the above criteria to an alternative sentence. If it had passed a decade ago, a bill like Paul's would've empowered a federal judge to sentence 24-year-old small-time pot dealer Weldon Angelos to 18 years in prison, instead of the mandatory 55 he received. In other words,
people are still going to have their lives ruined by the drug war if Paul's bill passes.

"The main thing I've said is not to legalize drugs"


Well-Known Member
that doesn't make rend pawl any less of an unprincipled, spineless, toadying hypocrite racist.
I'd say your description pretty much hits the mark, BUT Randi as a "catalyst" resulting in the Pubs. treating us to a pandering fest worthy of a Shakespearean farce.......
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Well-Known Member
I'd say your description pretty much hits the mark, BUT Randi as a "catalyst" resulting in the Pubs. treating us to a pandering fest worthy of a Shakespearean farce.......
others will not follow suit. rend pawl is not a catalyst, either. well, maybe he is in the sense that he will not undergo any change himself.

he is still against legalization. he just wants to put stoners in jail for 18 years instead of 24.

  1. a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.


Well-Known Member
It's a better thing, not a great thing but a republican pissing off republicans is pretty cool. Would be awesome if this signaled a shift to the actual platform of the party but I'll hold judgement for now.


Well-Known Member
others will not follow suit. rend pawl is not a catalyst, either. well, maybe he is in the sense that he will not undergo any change himself.

he is still against legalization. he just wants to put stoners in jail for 18 years instead of 24.

  1. a substance that increases the rate of a chemical reaction without itself undergoing any permanent chemical change.
Randi is the master cameleon, his ideas mimic the group he is with at the moment. As such, the man has no honor, and as such, I have no doubt that Randi would swing his pendulum way over for a not very thick percent of relatively sure toker votes. As for ur definition ..EXACTLY... Randi's % will be meat to two tigers but the tigers will have to pander to get a bite,perhaps to Randi VP...ALL and ALL tho the skids are being greased in Kentuc. right now for him to run for Prez. and Senator at the same time.He'll go right on as a JR. Sen. and he would be without "any permanent change".
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Well-Known Member
Randi is the master cameleon, his ideas mimic the group he is with at the moment. As such the man has no honor, and as such I have no doubt that Randi would swing his pendulum way over for a not very thick percent of relatively sure toker votes. As for ur definition ..EXACTLY... Randi's % will be meat to two tigers but the tigers will have to pander to get a bite,perhaps to Randi VP...ALL and ALL tho the skids are being greased in Kentuc. right now for him to run for Prez. and Senator at the same time.He'll go right on as a JR. Sen. and he would be without "any permanent change".
he can't run for senator and president at the same time, it is against the law in kentucky. he has to choose one or the other.


Well-Known Member
he can't run for senator and president at the same time, it is against the law in kentucky. he has to choose one or the other.
Nope, Kentucky legislature is in the act, right now, of changing the law so he can run for prez. and senator. My bet is, it's a done deal.
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Well-Known Member
On a more serious note, Paul and Corey Booker have forged a good relationship (Booker co-authored, give the man his props too) and are also working a civil justice reform bill. Maybe there is hope for DC actually working together after all once we get the "forever politicians" out.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Rand will show leadership if he reschedules MJ where it belongs. I don't think Sched. 2 is the correct place for it, if that is what he is thinking about doing. As an article I read suggested, but seems to have been edited since it first appeared?.

If Rand Paul were really leading, he'd point out the idiocy of ANY controlled drugs.

There shouldn't be a "controlled drug schedule". It assumes that other people can determine what you can ingest, rather than you making that determination. The whole premise that others can jail you for doing something you like, but they don't and which is confined to your body is clear evidence that freedom is dead.

Bleach isn't on the silly controlled drug schedule, I bet most of us here, have decided on our own not to consume it though.