Senators will introduce a federal medical marijuana bill tomorrow


Well-Known Member
If Rand Paul were really leading, he'd point out the idiocy of ANY controlled drugs.

There shouldn't be a "controlled drug schedule". It assumes that other people can determine what you can ingest, rather than you making that determination. The whole premise that others can jail you for doing something you like, but they don't and which is confined to your body is clear evidence that freedom is dead.

Bleach isn't on the silly controlled drug schedule, I bet most of us here, have decided on our own not to consume it though.
I agree with much of your statement. However,The legalizing of a host of addictive substances in the foreseeable future, is beyond the sheeple's ability to process, and beyond the govt's ability to usher in such a policy change. Look at the trouble they are having unwinding cannabis prohibition, It's a three ring circus.
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Well-Known Member
Bleach isn't on the silly controlled drug schedule, I bet most of us here, have decided on our own not to consume it though.
I really don't know and this is only a guess, but whatcha wanna bet there is a law against consuming bleach? Don't really care enough to look it up because I don't need a law telling me not to, but my suspicion says there is.

I also know of a few here who would applaud such a law and argue for it's a necessity.


Well-Known Member
If there is no law against, that makes it OK? Refer to the 9th Amendment? :)

I have the Gawd given right, not to drink it or be forced to, Fellow Sovereign, as do you.

However in our fluid and alive, Rule of Law, by Self Sovereigns, if it was needed for some reason, (Gawd knows why) then yes, we will have a law against drinking bleach.


Well-Known Member
If there is no law against, that makes it OK? Refer to the 9th Amendment? :)

I have the Gawd given right, not to drink it or be forced to, Fellow Sovereign, as do you.

However in our fluid and alive, Rule of Law, by Self Sovereigns, if it was needed for some reason, (Gawd knows why) then yes, we will have a law against drinking bleach.
Doer I like what you are saying in principle. But it sounds like you think we only have laws because they are needed. Couldn't be further from the truth. We have laws because those in charge deem it so, or tyranny of the majority deems it so, neither falls under my definition of self sovereign. If 2 wolves and a sheep vote on lunch, is the sheep exorcizing self rule and is his self sovereign respected?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I agree with much of your statement. However,The legalizing of a host of addictive substances in the foreseeable future, is beyond the sheeple's ability to process, and beyond the govt's ability to usher in such a policy change. Look at the trouble they are having unwinding cannabis prohibition, It's a three ring circus.
I'd say it's not beyond the ability of the apparatus of government, even the shitty one in place now. The whole scheme could be legislatively abandoned, just like it was legislatively imposed, but I agree with you the people that run government aren't likely to give up power over others once they seize it. That's why I try hard to be nice to people and ignore the fuckers in government.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Doer I like what you are saying in principle. But it sounds like you think we only have laws because they are needed. Couldn't be further from the truth. We have laws because those in charge deem it so, or tyranny of the majority deems it so, neither falls under my definition of self sovereign. If 2 wolves and a sheep vote on lunch, is the sheep exorcizing self rule and is his self sovereign respected?

Please don't make him start saying, "we" . Please.


Well-Known Member
I'd say it's not beyond the ability of the apparatus of government, even the shitty one in place now. The whole scheme could be legislatively abandoned, just like it was legislatively imposed, but I agree with you the people that run government aren't likely to give up power over others once they seize it. That's why I try hard to be nice to people and ignore the fuckers in government.
The Fed. is everywhere, I find them impossible to avoid.
I see the grass, turf battles within the Fed. Gov. being outed and pressure brought by candidates for reform,the executive branch will fight a dozen turf wars b4 they straighten out Mary Jane, much less anything else.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The Fed. is everywhere, I find them impossible to avoid.
I see the grass, turf battles within the Fed. Gov. being outed and pressure brought by candidates for reform,the executive branch will fight a dozen turf wars b4 they straighten out Mary Jane, much less anything else.

They are everywhere....just like germs.


Well-Known Member
It's a better thing, not a great thing but a republican pissing off republicans is pretty cool. Would be awesome if this signaled a shift to the actual platform of the party but I'll hold judgement for now.
You want it more to the right of Rendy Pawlina?


Well-Known Member
You want it more to the right of Rendy Pawlina?
I want them to do more things like this.

Hillary is more right than Rendy Pawlina on a lot of things as is Obama, like killing citizens without a trial. I hear Rendy is against that sort of thing. Doubt Rendy would drop bombs in seven (maybe 8, unconfirmed if it was us in the Phillipines) different sovereign nations without a declaration from congress.

He has come out and spoke against the militarization of police. That's also left of Hillary and Obama. The hate is strong with you.

old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
this country needs to stop living in the past and move forward ,fuck all the shit that happened 50 years ago ,that is the problem with today's society and it's politicians ,every thing on the plate is about some bullshit that happened years ago ,we have a fucked up president that's trying to go down in the history books by walking across some damned bridge ,trying to fuck up all foriegn policies ,cuba ,mexico,iran and the list just goes on ,hell they don't even have history in school as a requirement ,it's a dam elective .fuck electing presidents congress runs all the shit anyway .stop blaming one party or the other and just move on to what is needed now.stop the fucking war ,stay the fuck out of every bodies bussiness ,start living today


Well-Known Member
Doer I like what you are saying in principle. But it sounds like you think we only have laws because they are needed. Couldn't be further from the truth. We have laws because those in charge deem it so, or tyranny of the majority deems it so, neither falls under my definition of self sovereign. If 2 wolves and a sheep vote on lunch, is the sheep exorcizing self rule and is his self sovereign respected?
The first of UR posts is right on. I've seen ordinances pass that would make UR eyes roll back, Some of which seemed to be designed to do nothing but ensnare people in the court system, civil as well as criminal. The part about a sheep's right to sovereignty..... Mr. Sheep has made a blunder and will most likely atone for his error by being the guest of honor at his next dinning experience. Does he have self rule? You Betcha. Will his "self" be respected. If he is counting on that, I would ask "Where is he getting his drugs? Time to be sovereign was b4 Mr Sheep found himself outnumbered and unarmed amidst a group that he has a difference of opinion with...As Lee J. Cobb as Yang the warlord said to Boggie, a fake priest, who was bargaining for his life, in the great movie The Left Hand of God...."Jimmy it always helps to have some troops.


Well-Known Member
I want them to do more things like this.

Hillary is more right than Rendy Pawlina on a lot of things as is Obama, like killing citizens without a trial. I hear Rendy is against that sort of thing. Doubt Rendy would drop bombs in seven (maybe 8, unconfirmed if it was us in the Phillipines) different sovereign nations without a declaration from congress.

He has come out and spoke against the militarization of police. That's also left of Hillary and Obama. The hate is strong with you.


Well-Known Member
You are misinformed and bias. If Hillary and Obama were left of Rand on social issues, why haven't they done what Paul has done? Paul is also against a lot of our foreign intervention while Obama keeps drone bombing people.

You are aware that our president assassinated citizens without due process aren't you? Is that the "new left" way of thinking?

Stomp your feet and call me names, or prove me wrong. Either way works for me.


Well-Known Member
The first of UR posts is right on. I've seen ordinances pass that would make UR eyes roll back, Some of which seemed to be designed to do nothing but ensnare people in the court system, civil as well as criminal. The part about a sheep's right to sovereignty..... Mr. Sheep has made a blunder and will most likely atone for his error by being the guest of honor at his next dinning experience. Does he have self rule? You Betcha. Will his "self" be respected. If he is counting on that, I would ask "Where is he getting his drugs? Time to be sovereign was b4 Mr Sheep found himself outnumbered and unarmed amidst a group that he has a difference of opinion with...As Lee J. Cobb as Yang the warlord said to Boggie, a fake priest, who was bargaining for his life, in the great movie The Left Hand of God...."Jimmy it always helps to have some troops.
How very collectivist of you.

You hold no value in individual liberty?


Well-Known Member
How very collectivist of you.

You hold no value in individual liberty?
The Gov. holds no value in individual rights.Citizens are but grist fed to their mill. Look where a tyranny of the minority has gotten the pubtards. Our gov. has adopted the chinese philosophy: The nail that stands up is quickly driven flat.


Well-Known Member
The Gov. holds no value in individual rights.Citizens are but grist fed to their mill. Look where a tyranny of the minority has gotten the pubtards. Our gov. has adopted the chinese philosophy: The nail that stands up is quickly driven flat.
I agree, I just don't understand your blaming the sheep for putting himself in that situation and instead call for him to have a bigger gang.

As long as you continue to place the blame on a party instead of the system it will never get fixed.


Well-Known Member
You are misinformed and bias. If Hillary and Obama were left of Rand on social issues, why haven't they done what Paul has done? Paul is also against a lot of our foreign intervention while Obama keeps drone bombing people.

You are aware that our president assassinated citizens without due process aren't you? Is that the "new left" way of thinking?

Stomp your feet and call me names, or prove me wrong. Either way works for me.
Fantastic. I will go with option 1, stomp my feet and call you names. It's much easier.


Well-Known Member
I want them to do more things like this.

Hillary is more right than Rendy Pawlina on a lot of things as is Obama, like killing citizens without a trial. I hear Rendy is against that sort of thing. Doubt Rendy would drop bombs in seven (maybe 8, unconfirmed if it was us in the Phillipines) different sovereign nations without a declaration from congress.

He has come out and spoke against the militarization of police. That's also left of Hillary and Obama. The hate is strong with you.
so if rend pawl is against killng without a trial and militarization of police and drone bombs, why would he say this?

take your goddamn spam elsewhere.