Sending through USPS?

Are stupid or something!

UPS never worked! That goes all the way back to the 80's.....

The post office does not confiscate seed shipments - CUSTOMS DOES! Why do you think it has Customs tape all over it when you get your package without the seeds! (or a notice from customs)....
Dr Who What are you saying about UPS? I don't understand...
USPS, AKA, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE! I'ts run by the Government. Never use USPS, use UPS, and Opt for ground shipping. Anything that goes onto an airplane has to go through additional screening. They even confiscate orders from attitude seed bank. I don't understand why attitude uses USPS
You are 100% correct... Never ever ship air!!! Always ground.
USPS, AKA, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE! I'ts run by the Government. Never use USPS, use UPS, and Opt for ground shipping. Anything that goes onto an airplane has to go through additional screening. They even confiscate orders from attitude seed bank. I don't understand why attitude uses USPS

I would never use ups or fedex or any private company that ships Dhl etc. they can scan packages etc as they go down their belt nothing stopping them. If you keep things USPS and ground your packages just go from one building to another. The government can't just scan and open our packages without a warrant or reason. Package shit right and goes right through. Now air goes through airport so there is the extra scan etc. why anyone ever uses ups,FedEx, or air is beyond me. Anyone on dark web uses usps. No one would ever use a privatized company that can do what they want with you package to send drugs. That's just plain ass stupid. Been working for years with usps, and will continue till government takes more of our rights away
but OP claims"But sadly its been 2 weeks since it was supposed to be delivered and still no update on tracking."
what may go right is a moot point, the package was not delivered.
Dr Who What are you saying about UPS? I don't understand...

That shipping UPS does not work......They were pulling weight shipments way back in the early 80's and if they saw it or smelled it or any type of found it - like everything - they "confiscated" it......

Fed EX used to work and we called it WEED EX for awhile - Then they got hip and that ended,,
We would send small amounts USPS and that worked....

This guy made 4 mistakes at the same time.

Sent too much in one package.
Vac sealing does NOT protect from the smell
Tin foil will not "foil" X ray's
Shipped it next day air = They X-ray everything going by air!

Your now on a list - do not attempt again or it could be too late anyway as the DEA was called for because you used a FEDERAL branch to commit a crime.
That crime extended over state lines
The base fact in the crime is a sched. 1 controlled substance.

The case was handed to a local FED Pros who is reviewing the case......
1: The alphabet boys have not beat on your door - Means they are not going to run any sting on you as far as delivering it now.
2: Could VERY likely be that some postal employee is sitting at home "blind" in the evenings after finding his "prise". (you would not believe the amount of mail postal workers steal - so I'm told)

But they don't need one to pierce the package and insert a pinhole camera, use ether or refrigerant to see thru envelopes, guess by weight, etc. If you can think of a sneaky way to see into a package ot letter, they use it. If you must ship, ad something heavy to the package, for small packages, a couple rolls of pennies, if your risking a pound ( good luck if you get caught ) put a package of floor tiles in the middle, or even bricks, car parts etc. use a box bigger than needed and add extra packing material.

The biggest problem in most places is that you can't ship anything anonymously anymore. Even if you pay cash, etc, EVERY place records all transactions on video.

Considering what that amount is worth, I'd pay someone to take it by bus............

That was always my understanding as well. For this reason, many suggest that if your going to take such risk, postal is the better option of the big three.
That shipping UPS does not work......They were pulling weight shipments way back in the early 80's and if they saw it or smelled it or any type of found it - like everything - they "confiscated" it......

Fed EX used to work and we called it WEED EX for awhile - Then they got hip and that ended,,
We would send small amounts USPS and that worked....

This guy made 4 mistakes at the same time.

Sent too much in one package.
Vac sealing does NOT protect from the smell
Tin foil will not "foil" X ray's
Shipped it next day air = They X-ray everything going by air!

Your now on a list - do not attempt again or it could be too late anyway as the DEA was called for because you used a FEDERAL branch to commit a crime.
That crime extended over state lines
The base fact in the crime is a sched. 1 controlled substance.

The case was handed to a local FED Pros who is reviewing the case......
1: The alphabet boys have not beat on your door - Means they are not going to run any sting on you as far as delivering it now.
2: Could VERY likely be that some postal employee is sitting at home "blind" in the evenings after finding his "prise". (you would not believe the amount of mail postal workers steal - so I'm told)


You might as well just spell it out for everyone, in case some other newbie gets some crazy idea to send some tin foil wrapped weed in a teddy bear. (Would have been better off throwing it in a trash bag and throwing said trash bag into dumpster, at least LESS chance of LE finding it there)

The way I understand it, USPS needs a search warrant to open mail, ergo the delay. Fedex and UPS do not, private carrier and its in the fine print of the delivery agreement. I could google all that shit, but this concept seems too stupid, I too think this is a BS thread. I see some dreamers and fantasizers posting on this site, only an idiot would chance a fed offense of sending that kinda weight, thats trafficking. Your buddy left a written note with the neighbor. The DEA in concert with the FBI and local L.E. will deliver the package, five minutes later its gonna look like the invasion of Normandy. That poor terrified mofo is gonna roll so fast on your buddy he wont even be off the floor yet. Then they will simply pick up your friend and start with the charges, they will only do about 7 years fed time AFTER they roll on you. You are both going to prison, congrats on being an incredible dumbass, or a really shitty daydreamer.

Theres not enough evidence to catch me who sent it, and my friend can deny any knowledge of the package. I already told them to deny signing anything if a "postman" comes to the door. I think we can luck out on jail time, but just lost our package if anyhting
That shipping UPS does not work......They were pulling weight shipments way back in the early 80's and if they saw it or smelled it or any type of found it - like everything - they "confiscated" it......

Fed EX used to work and we called it WEED EX for awhile - Then they got hip and that ended,,
We would send small amounts USPS and that worked....

This guy made 4 mistakes at the same time.

Sent too much in one package.
Vac sealing does NOT protect from the smell
Tin foil will not "foil" X ray's
Shipped it next day air = They X-ray everything going by air!

Your now on a list - do not attempt again or it could be too late anyway as the DEA was called for because you used a FEDERAL branch to commit a crime.
That crime extended over state lines
The base fact in the crime is a sched. 1 controlled substance.

The case was handed to a local FED Pros who is reviewing the case......
1: The alphabet boys have not beat on your door - Means they are not going to run any sting on you as far as delivering it now.
2: Could VERY likely be that some postal employee is sitting at home "blind" in the evenings after finding his "prise". (you would not believe the amount of mail postal workers steal - so I'm told)


So I dont need to worry about any sting on my friend because of how long its been ? At this point im more concerned about getting caught
So I dont need to worry about any sting on my friend because of how long its been ? At this point im more concerned about getting caught
they will do a controlled delivery if they are trying to catch you don't sign for anything and don't open anything leet on hour door for a while. Simple
I dont get how my plan was so incredibly stupid because compared to how I have read other people have done this, its quite similar. If not good. I used some of the main tips ive learned.
Theres not enough evidence to catch me who sent it, and my friend can deny any knowledge of the package. I already told them to deny signing anything if a "postman" comes to the door. I think we can luck out on jail time, but just lost our package if anyhting
"My friend told their neighbor that there is a package coming for them, and also I did not request signature for the delivery, also tracking still says its at the facility."
Either the neighbor got busted and they are making their case, which could take months, or the neighbor is smoking your shit.
I dont get how my plan was so incredibly stupid because compared to how I have read other people have done this, its quite similar. If not good. I used some of the main tips ive learned.
you sent it to the neighbor who wasnt expecting it with a name no one ever heard of. Someone needs to press forward and push PO to find it, or let it go