Senior Exit Project


Well-Known Member
Well i'm about to start my senior exit project(it's a requirement for our school district to graduate unfortunately)... and i REALLY want to base mine on Why Medicinal Marijuana should be legalized, mainly because its an amazingly easy thing for me to make an argumentative essay about, however i have an idea that my teacher will think of the subject as to controversial... What do you guys think and is there any way if she says no i can argue my way to her saying yes?


Well-Known Member
It's basically got to be a 6-10 paged(double spaced size 12 font)argumentative essay about anything that can be argued, and you have to pick a side. Technically you shouldnt know anything about what you're going to do. ;-) The grading is about grammar, punctuations of course all the accuracy, and a big chunk is how argumentative your essay is and how one-sided it is(people tend to show the other side of the argument for comparison, apparently its a bad idea)


Well-Known Member
Why not? If you have the balls to argue your case with your teacher, go ahead. But if you'd rather avoid the conflict, don't. I take it you don't live in a state where Medical Marijuana is legal?


Well-Known Member
Haha obviously not, i may try it out, i'm not nervous either except that i have a sneaking suspicion my school will give out a "random" drug search for whichever class i'm in.


Well-Known Member
lol. If you're not nervous then go for it. I'm the kind of person to avoid conflict, but I envy you if you are the opposite. Just don't do anything stupid like carrying bud on you at school. It's an argument with a lot of pros and few cons.


Well-Known Member
i are a senior...just dont draw any attention to yourself after the senior project

hell i would good luck bro


Well-Known Member
well i doubt they would allow it but if you argue that you also want to legalize hemp to boost the economy to better the nation and you can say that legalizing marijuana would stimilate the economy and bring us out of the recession
also state the fact that hemp can be used to fuel cars and considering that it is extremely easy to grow and it grows fast and its a great fuel to use


Well-Known Member
hmm i'm still thinkin about it. I mean whats the worst that could happen? If she asks why i'm interested in doing that i say "it's a damn good argument that i could write 100 pages let alone 6-10"... and then she'll prolly say "sry to controversial" and ill just have to pick somethin else... but i'll give it a shot.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
well just ask her as soon as possible so you arent scarbling to do another report
i have to do the same thing
i have to write about an 8-10 page report on something
my subject is writting a screenplay and to add to my report im going to write a short film


Well-Known Member
you could argue how this war on drugs puts us deeper into debt. how informants and snitches and unsafe raid tactics destroy and kill innocent people. hell talk about how many times the dea raided the wrong house, killing people.

talk about how henry ford wanted his cars to be made outta hemp.

talk about how many death have come from marijuana as opposed to cigarettes. talk about how it (tobacco) renders the ground useless that its grown from.

talk about the research that shows marijuana to provide semi protection from cancer.

talk about marijuanas medical abilities.

talk about how overseas that it is decriminalized/lowered priority and look at their crime rate as oppose to ours (theirs is much lower)

talk about how the war on drugs is fueled by racism, propaganda, pharmaceutical & alcohol & tobacco's funding it throws against marijuana prohibition!

i could go on and on and on....


Well-Known Member
talk about how marijuana is illegal because of racism and how the first laws criminalizing marijuana violated civil rights


Well-Known Member
So, school now consists of picking a lame ass politically correct "subject" and
purposely avoiding any subject with controversy? Next they will offer a Duct Tape
over the mouth as an elective...
Why anyone submits themselves to that B.S. and calls it "learning" I'll always
I'd say DO IT! Very relevant and current especially with the effect that our oil
based economy is RUINING the country, and with such a viable alternative.
Wow, I bet those american farmers, All 10 of 'em wish they could grow hemp.


Well-Known Member
At my highschool we were not allowed to ever write a paper on legalizing medical buds. I thought it was really stupid that we were not allowed to write on that specific topic.


Active Member
At my highschool we were not allowed to ever write a paper on legalizing medical buds. I thought it was really stupid that we were not allowed to write on that specific topic.
im doin my exit project on medical marijuana and im stuck on the 3rd page of a 8-10 page paper ive talked about history of it, it vs. legal narcs, what diseases it helps, what else can i talk about dat is factual


Well-Known Member
That Jesus used cannabis oils to heal.
The fact that no government should ever be allowed so much power over its people as to say what we can consume in our own homes if we wish to,lets not forget,even though most have,that they work for us and maybe the facts,whys and theories of why it is that they encourage and feed us brain destroying alcohol and deny us mind expandersbongsmilie

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
You write papers for the teachers---not for yourself---if you want a good grade---you better know her disposition before you write something controversial---they tend to grade better when you appear to be their little clone :)