Sensi Seeds Jack Herer - Soil - 400w MH/HPS


Well-Known Member
looking good
out of 10 seeds u started many females ( i seem to have gotten lost somewhere)
im growing out 7 true blueberry by dj short...........and 8 super lemon haze from greenhouse seeds.........its fun :)
out of 10 JH beans, I only got 2 females...yes entirely bad luck! My original goal was to have around 2 - 3 Jacks and 1 I got what I wished for. 3 plants under the 400 should yield me good results especially with LST.

nice grow bro i cant wait to flower mine.. looks like ur doing sum good lst there..did u cut off the yellow leafs? btw here check out my first grow hope u got ne suggestions for me or even a comment
I usually never trim leaves I let them fall off naturally, but it was different in this case. All the leaves at the bottom got cut off...around 2 fan leaves per plant. This makes it much easier when I water as well....other than that I haven't had any major deficiencies other than the PK getting some nute burn.


Active Member

Looking very good so far man, keep up the good work! I am very interested to see what happens with this, as I plan on getting some JH beans soon. Sucks you didn't get more females so you could be more picky in the phenotype selection. Nonetheless I'm sure you will be happy =)


Well-Known Member
for what they cost u would think u would get more females than that
i once grew out 5 hindu kush and they were all males...........keeping the best one around for pollen for my crosses


Well-Known Member
Im down to 2 jack herer seedlings. Im going to be keeping them even if theyre males. Or rather take the best male. Im not even sure what to look for. Resin? Flower formation? Vigor? I would imagine you would have to flower it for a while before you can select the best male.


Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 73 - 78 Degrees
Humidity: 59%
Day 40 Flower,66 Days total.

Been sick the past week so no updates...and my Power Kush decided to also get sick. Severe mag deficiency so I upped the dose of Cal-Mag(2 tsp gal) and kept with 1/2 strength flowering nutrients. They have dense trichome on the buds..very sticky and she is starting to smell.

The Jacks also showed small signs of Mag def, so I went ahead and gave them the same dosage with full strength nutrients.

It's starting to smell in the room so I hooked up a carbon filter and it runs through the cool-tube...I will try and post a picture as soon as I can find my camera.

You can see the buds from the kush and the wispy Jack buds forming...


Well-Known Member
Get some close-ups man! Are those jacks putting on resin? Usually if a strain is really resinous, you'll be able to tell in the first 2-3 weeks. I have one jack herer that survived and is turning into a plant now. There's another one that looks good but growing slowly.


Well-Known Member
Get some close-ups man! Are those jacks putting on resin? Usually if a strain is really resinous, you'll be able to tell in the first 2-3 weeks. I have one jack herer that survived and is turning into a plant now. There's another one that looks good but growing slowly.
More pics...I had to install the carbon filter which is shown in one of the pics. Right now my nose is stuffed up...ill give a description of the smell when I get better.

First two is the Power Kush, the rest are the Jack Herers...they are taking their sweet time budding up. Kush as more resin than the other ones



Well-Known Member
That's a big ass filter, how big is your cabinet?

How many plants?

I am growing 6 in a 3x3x4 foot space and I am going to need one soon


Well-Known Member
ya...its a huge filter I dont know what size or bro gave it to me for a bag of cat litter and cat food lol. It's brand new and he never used it.

My closet is 3.2 ft wide x 6 ft long x 8 ft tall


Well-Known Member

I am just working out of a fridge and don't think that would even fit in there

Sounds like a great price


Are you sure that's magnesium deficiency? It looks like it could be a soil PH problem, have you done a soil PH test? Good journal BTW, subscribed!


Well-Known Member
Room Temperature: 73 - 75 Degrees
Humidity: 53%
Day 42 Flower (6 weeks). I stated it was day 40 during my last post, which was not the case.

I did more LST even though I thought I wouldnt have to anymore...but they just keep on growing!

The Power Kush is very sensative to nutrients...I have kept her at 1/4 strength Tiger Bloom, Full strength Big Bloom, and full strength Cal-Mag. She seems to be doing fine other than the leaves that were damaged. She has very few amber hopefully she will be done in about 4 - 5 weeks or so...I want a heavy stone so I am gonna let her go about 75% amber then start flushing.

The Jacks just love nutrients...I have given them full strength and they have enjoy it...but I might cut back a bit since they started to show a tiny bit of burn. They still have a lot of clear trichomes...very fluffy buds and not budding up as fast as the kush...which is expected.

I have a shit load of pics coming up...They are all before/after LST pics...some close-up shots of trichomes...and finally a group shot.

Before pic of Jack #7

After pic of LST:

Before pic of Jack #1

After pic of LST:

Before pic of the Power Kush

After some LST:

Pictures of Jack Herers:

Power Kush:

Group Shot: