Sensi Seeds - JACK HERER


Well-Known Member
I'm very excited about this one. I'm gonna try and grow some Jack. It's my favourite strain and I have always planned to grow it someday. That day is now!! :mrgreen:

So I popped 6 seeds in for germination on Tuesday AM (13/11/06). 4 had cracked within 48 hours and were put in soil yesterday, the other 2 cracked by this morning (72 hours) and I've just put them in soil now. My JH #1 is already just starting to break the soil :) The grow is on!!

I'm using Canna Professional compost this time. It's expensive, but it's the shit! I paid so much for my seeds, so I'm not going to be tight with my soil. My Jack Herer will get everything that they want, deserve and need for a healthy life!

I'll prob just do weekly updates on this one, it can be my Friday thing! So until next week..........:joint:


Well-Known Member
Sweet yeah bro I'm thinking about some Jack Herer and Mr. Nice's Super Silver Haze for the next round but you're fucking right......expensive (exchange rate's a bitch)

Good luck man!


Well-Known Member
Hey all, thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy following my grow :joint:

So my weekly update is a day late! But like NGT says, I'm a lazy fuck! So you're lucky it's only a day late ;)

All is going ok at the end of week 1 and I've got myself 6 little JH seedlings on the go. One of them just fell over this morning and I had to prop her up. They're not stretching, one of them just seems to have a weak stem still.

So here's my week 1 pics for ya anyway....



Well-Known Member
Il pray for these to grow nice hairy bushes.:hump::hump::joint:
Thanks.....Me too!

Really nice grow there.
Thanks v much far so good. Long way to go yet though.

wow. those little seedlings are doing great! fast growing, too. what's your light?
Cheers mate. Yep, this is the 4th strain I have started from seed and it sure is the fastest yet. Just been comparing pics from my other grows and the JH are a good few days ahead of them all. Lights have always been the same for my seedlings, 2 x 125W Envirolites. Just goes to show the difference genetics can make.


Well-Known Member
Weak stems are somewhat of a problem with the JH seedlings. I have grown JH for 4+ years(from clones now) and love the plant, the high, and the heritage behind it. I grow JH before all others(just harveted the last of a SnowWhite trial) due to the namesake. People will always pay for the Jack in any market. Kudos brother!


Active Member
Jack Herer is the only weed I have smoked while driving an had to pull over an have a nap just to get home. Happy growing


Well-Known Member
Wow those have really grown a lot in a week. I am curious as to what happend to the landrace sativa you planed on doing? Also what size light are you using for flowering? Great looking plants keep it up.



Well-Known Member
Weak stems are somewhat of a problem with the JH seedlings. I have grown JH for 4+ years(from clones now) and love the plant, the high, and the heritage behind it. I grow JH before all others(just harveted the last of a SnowWhite trial) due to the namesake. People will always pay for the Jack in any market. Kudos brother!
Thanks Willie. Yeah, 2 of my JH have weaker looking stems than the others. I've topped them up with a bit more compost and they are standing straight again now. Should be fine. I'll get a gentle fan going on them in a few days when they're a bit stronger.


Well-Known Member
Wow those have really grown a lot in a week. I am curious as to what happend to the landrace sativa you planed on doing? Also what size light are you using for flowering? Great looking plants keep it up.

Cheers Kush. I'm v pleased with their progress so far.

I still have my Malawi Gold seeds safely stored. Things just didn't quite go to plan with my last grow, so the pure sativa grow is on hold for now until another day. They can flower for up to 120 days! So I don't want to start them until I've got a good supply of bud on the go. Then I will start the Malawi Gold seeds off.

I use a 400W HPS for flower with 2 x 125W envirolties (extra side lighting). But I am looking to upgrade to a 600W HPS with a jet stream reflector some time soon.


Well-Known Member
this is cool...I'll be a bunch about these gfenetics, and peoples epxerience....I'm looking for something differtent to grow next time and spending time looking domina, Black Jack, Thunderfuck, warlock...I have been able to find sources for all of these so far...but I still have a long time to decide. Thanks for bringing this thread and grow together, I'll be watching......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the comments folks......quite a few people watching this one, so I'll do my best not to disappoint, you guys or myself!

It's Friday :) YAY! So time for an update. My 6 JH babies are 2 weeks old now and coming into week 3. I am very pleased with their progress so far. They are just growing so fast. I've never had plants like this after just 2 weeks.

No problems with them falling over anymore, they are supporting themselves and the stems are getting much fatter now!

Here are the week 2 pics for ya anyway.....just click on the thumbnails for the full size pics!!



Well-Known Member
hello hello SW.....looking real fine. you must be doing suthin right...they are all so uniform and healthy lookimh.....good job!


Well-Known Member
hello hello SW.....looking real fine. you must be doing suthin right...they are all so uniform and healthy lookimh.....good job!
Cheers tahoe. I'm just giving them water when they need it, so nothing special going on here, except maybe in the genetics ;) Not fed any nutes yet, just clean PH'd water. My soil is quite rich in organic nutes so they just feed off this. I will repot them sometime this week, and the bigger pots with fresh compost will feed them for another 2-3 weeks. Then I will take clones and flower, so I only really start feeding additional nutes during flowering.

there looking great! what light cycle you using?
Thanks zed, just using 18/6 lighting. I like to rest my lights and my plants for a bit each day, which is why there's no 24 hour lighting in my veg cupboard. And looking at the growth of these babies, who needs it!