Sensi Star and White Russian

Man o' the green

Active Member
But the $100 dollar question is,,,"Was I right about the White russian?":leaf::leaf::leaf:
You were indeed, the second one is the WR cola.
Today I wanted to document the graduation of the WR clones to the flower room. 6 plants
Earlier, I made four clones from the top of these. All 8 clones are doing well now 4 WR + 4 SuSt. Plan to get the chocolope cloned in a few days, need a final determination of sex on two remaining plants.
Oh and the big clone with the experimental method .. oh well, it didn't make it.


Man o' the green

Active Member
More pictures of the new configuration, the cloning box and the veg box.

1) 12 Clones bottom to top - 4 SuSt, 4 Choc, 4 WR
2) bottom to top, Haze Hash, Blue Hash, Moby Dick
3) Moby Dick.
4) Sensi Star clones.

The clones don't look great at this point, but the key is patience.
The Haze Hash looks like a Sat/Ind Cross, but the Blue Hash and Moby Dick appear to be very Ind. The Sensi Star is the very last of a long line of clones. I can only hope the Super Star smokes as well.


Man o' the green

Active Member
Clones are doing well. I left the humidity dome off last night .. grr .. I'm a dumbass. No harm done, there was enough standing water to keep the humidity high in that small box.
The one chocolope that I cloned turned out to be a clear female, it was a good guess.
I finally have some white russian dried and ground. Just a few buds from down low. First vaping of the properly dried bud. Somewhat spicy, very potent, slightly energizing, Very nice.
Time to start the harvest .. week 7 going on 8, I believe. I've tried to balance a few of the plants that are falling over by cutting branches. I'm using a wire rack to dry on. You can't tell I cut anything from looking in the flower room. There is a lot in there.
All of this is original sensi star



Active Member
Great job.... so good stuff... do your part and then harvest good stuff.... I am glad you like thewhite russian.... it is an amazing plant and the results are on par with most premium grades.... how one defines the best in a world of thousands of strains is beyond me... but the White Russian falls into the primo category on anybodies scale.... enjoy.:leaf:

YOu got lots of mason jars on hand? YOu got some serious burping coming up....:lol:

Man o' the green

Active Member
I was so pleased with my white russian smoke, that I had to get some more cut down. Here is the smallest plant. I chopped it and used the microscope on it, took some cool pictures to look at.

1) WR plant , trimmed
2) WR cola , trimmed
3) WR dried buds
4) trich 20x
5) trich 20x
6) trich 400x



Active Member
If you like the white russian now, wait till it cures for about a month.... then it really brings out the fullness.... it is rapidly becoming one of my favs:leaf::leaf::leaf:

Man o' the green

Active Member
I thought I would take this opportunity to explain some things, mainly because my memory sucks..
I've been doing this growing thing for some time now, and have been very pleased with the results. As I mentioned in the preface, I have been experimenting with plants for some time. I do mean experimenting. I get a lot of grief for not doing it "the right way", but this doesn't matter to me. The learning process is the most important to me. I personally know what 90+ degrees will do to plants, I've done it intentionally. This is a personal hobby, and I get a lot of satisfaction out of it, learning, improving. I'm not concerned about yield, weight, cost. One thing to note, everything that you see will be consumed by me, eventually. I grow for myself only, no matter how much I may grow.
My approach to start out with, was to have a single box to grow in, with a cloning area, and perpetually have 6 plants. I found problems with this scheme, particularly that I could only harvest just enough to smoke, with no surplus. Going to 12 plants helped slightly, but with the same amount of space and light, I had about the same production. During these grows, I perfected my veg and cloning techniques. Dense flowering was a different matter, and was only really fixed by going to HPS and a larger space.
Now I have three areas, a box for clones (2' cube), a box for veg (4'x3'x4'), and a room for flower (big). Right now, I have all my space filled with clones, vegging, and flowering. I perpetually clone before flowering and get the next group ready.
I decided that my old clones were perhaps not performing as well as more modern strains, so I went looking for new seeds. I purchased over a few months, white russian, super star and chocolope as regular seeds to clone. My intention is to go back to a 12 plant rotation with four plants of each strain. I've been phasing out the sensi star ( my original clones ). My first group of 3 strains x 4 plants is in the cloning box right now. I hope to continue this for some time. I think my only regret is that I don't have a more pure indica or pure sativa. It would be difficult to fit them in, so it may not happen, or if I do, it will be feminized ( one-time ) seeds.
I planted my regular seeds in rockwool and put them in the flower room to germ,veg and flower. I wasn't concerned about stretching, only that I was able to get a few clones. Then I could grow out the mothers ( from seed ) and smoke em. That is where the white russian is right now, harvesting the imperfect plants from seed. This, combined with the 3 free seeds that I'm growing makes for quite a few plants. Once these are gone, I should be back to 12 plants in cycle.
Currently I'm harvesting the first white russians, and my legacy sensi star. I have 6 great looking plants of white russian ( clones ) now in flowering,
My veg box is holding 6 sensi star, and the 3 free seeds-plants, until the next clones have rooted.


Active Member
I thought I would take this opportunity to explain some things, mainly because my memory sucks..
I've been doing this growing thing for some time now, and have been very pleased with the results. As I mentioned in the preface, I have been experimenting with plants for some time. I do mean experimenting. I get a lot of grief for not doing it "the right way", but this doesn't matter to me. The learning process is the most important to me. I personally know what 90+ degrees will do to plants, I've done it intentionally. This is a personal hobby, and I get a lot of satisfaction out of it, learning, improving. I'm not concerned about yield, weight, cost. One thing to note, everything that you see will be consumed by me, eventually. I grow for myself only, no matter how much I may grow.My approach to start out with, was to have a single box to grow in, with a cloning area, and perpetually have 6 plants. I found problems with this scheme, particularly that I could only harvest just enough to smoke, with no surplus. Going to 12 plants helped slightly, but with the same amount of space and light, I had about the same production. During these grows, I perfected my veg and cloning techniques. Dense flowering was a different matter, and was only really fixed by going to HPS and a larger space.
Now I have three areas, a box for clones (2' cube), a box for veg (4'x3'x4'), and a room for flower (big). Right now, I have all my space filled with clones, vegging, and flowering. I perpetually clone before flowering and get the next group ready.
I decided that my old clones were perhaps not performing as well as more modern strains, so I went looking for new seeds. I purchased over a few months, white russian, super star and chocolope as regular seeds to clone. My intention is to go back to a 12 plant rotation with four plants of each strain. I've been phasing out the sensi star ( my original clones ). My first group of 3 strains x 4 plants is in the cloning box right now. I hope to continue this for some time. I think my only regret is that I don't have a more pure indica or pure sativa. It would be difficult to fit them in, so it may not happen, or if I do, it will be feminized ( one-time ) seeds.
I planted my regular seeds in rockwool and put them in the flower room to germ,veg and flower. I wasn't concerned about stretching, only that I was able to get a few clones. Then I could grow out the mothers ( from seed ) and smoke em. That is where the white russian is right now, harvesting the imperfect plants from seed. This, combined with the 3 free seeds that I'm growing makes for quite a few plants. Once these are gone, I should be back to 12 plants in cycle.
Currently I'm harvesting the first white russians, and my legacy sensi star. I have 6 great looking plants of white russian ( clones ) now in flowering,
My veg box is holding 6 sensi star, and the 3 free seeds-plants, until the next clones have rooted.
+rep for all that. I know what you mean. I don't want to know HOW to do it, I want to know WHY things work a certain way. I want to FULLY understand. This really helps with getting creative and inventive.

Man o' the green

Active Member
I've removed all of the lower branches on the sensi star in flowering, just leaving the top few branches and apex. I plan to harvest these within the week.

I also cut down all of the white russian in flowering, 5 plants total, very stretchy and few buds, but the buds that flowered were awesome.


Man o' the green

Active Member
Just a couple pictures of the new configuration. I moved the SS to the flower room last night.
1) White Russian x6
2) Sensi Star x6
3) From bottom to top: Sensi Star start flowering, White Russian start flowering, Sensi Star flowered 8 weeks x12



Well-Known Member
You were indeed, the second one is the WR cola.
Today I wanted to document the graduation of the WR clones to the flower room. 6 plants
Earlier, I made four clones from the top of these. All 8 clones are doing well now 4 WR + 4 SuSt. Plan to get the chocolope cloned in a few days, need a final determination of sex on two remaining plants.
Oh and the big clone with the experimental method .. oh well, it didn't make it.

My avatar is pic of some WR i grew out..and out..and out. ;)
Have not grown Sensi Star yet, but may include it in my short list.

Here's a pic of some Sensi Star budz grow VERY well from a fellow RIU member. Good luck with your learning and growing! :)

Man o' the green

Active Member
My avatar is pic of some WR i grew out..and out..and out. ;)
Have not grown Sensi Star yet, but may include it in my short list.

Here's a pic of some Sensi Star budz grow VERY well from a fellow RIU member. Good luck with your learning and growing! :)
Amazing stuff man ! I'd love to grow like that.
As far as the WR, its kinda new to me so I'm getting used to the taste of it. Its some potent stuff though.


Active Member
this weeks progress report.... looks like I got hit with some thrips and I neem oiled the little bastards... another dose tommorrow.... thisngs are coming nicley.... the stinkies hit with vengeance today....:fire: First three are my beloved WR's and the last is one of my chronic girls...


Man o' the green

Active Member
I just purchased some more seeds from a reputable seed bank. I can't help myself :)
I decided to use the stealth shipping option. I know they say you shouldn't say how your seeds get to you, but they should deliver the seeds inside a stuffed rabbit by special scottish courier riding a black ox pulling a gypsy wagon. I figure this is stealthy enough, but a little expensive.

Serious Seeds Bubblegum
Serious Seeds Kali Mist
