Sensi Star , Chronic , White Russian & Rocklock grow


Active Member
Looks to me like the Chronic liked its topping just fine. I will for sure be doing the same on mine.

Keep up the good work the reward for all of it looks like it will be well worth it. What are your plans for drying/curing or have you not given it any thought yet?
Thanks man I havnt even taught that far ahead yet but it will be just a hang upsidedown & dry for 7 - 10 days then into mason jars and burped when needed


Active Member
My white Russian and Rocklock are starting to leach nutes from the leaves , is this normal for plants in the 6th week of flowering ? I am adding the max amount of PK recommended which is 3mls per liter with added blackstrap molasses anybody think I should up it a bit or just let nature take its course at this stage


This is very normal during flower. each of those strains are about 8-9 week strains, so it sounds right. Usually this happens towards the end of the flower cycle. For the most part, it shold be something like Nitrogen deficiency, but don't worry. If you are brave you can try playing with your nutes on your next run, to see if you can keep their color better, but as long as your budz are growing normally, don't worry.


Well-Known Member
My white Russian and Rocklock are starting to leach nutes from the leaves , is this normal for plants in the 6th week of flowering ? I am adding the max amount of PK recommended which is 3mls per liter with added blackstrap molasses anybody think I should up it a bit or just let nature take its course at this stage
yeaa its normal.. esp;ecially around this time.. its normal for alot of strains to have like 1/2 or mosre of the leaves be yellow by the end of flowering.. some plants more than others.. and some less than others.. i wouldnt worry bout it... as long as ur buds are doing ok... then your good. lol. you will be flushing soon anywayz. =)


Active Member
For anybody interested in my Sensi star I am afraid to tell ye that she has lost all her leaves , I looked at the trics with my microscope 80% cloudy 20% clear so i decided to chop off a bud for a tester - after quick drying i rolled it up and I have to admit this is the strongest stuff I have smoked in my life. I taught I might just get a light buzz followed by a pain in the head but the stone was very intense and lasted for hours. So instead of me paying 50 euro for 3 grams of shit weed I am going to smoke the Sensi over the next week or two. If there was a prize for the most ugly plant Im sure I would win it.

Here is a sneak preview of tomorrows update after 6 weeks of 12/12



Well-Known Member
Sensi does look a little but scary, but the rest look mighty fine.... Not long now buddy..

So whats next autos or normals...?


Active Member
My laptop is fucked with malware but I am hoping I can fix it tonight so I can update ye with pictures.
Things are progressing well and I will be starting to flush the white russian and rocklock over the next few days ...


Active Member
Whats the story with the update or are you too busy smoking that sensi star...? lol
Lol - Im back I had to wipe my system and install a new operating system to remove the malware but alls good now.
So I have flushed the white russian and the Rocklock this morning the chronic might be next week before I flush her.
I will upload pictures tomorrow and that will be the end of week 7 flowering
I am just finishing up the last of the sensi star as I type she was some serious smoke :-)


Well-Known Member
im excited for that chronic after looking at your grow man she looks like shes gonna be a serious producer


Active Member
im excited for that chronic after looking at your grow man she looks like shes gonna be a serious producer
To be honest she really has not put on much weight since my last picture update but when I pull her four tops together it makes one fat juicy bud - I will post individual plants pics tomorrow so to keep ye updated anyway


Active Member
Let me know what ye think ?

Rocklock the top buds are as fat as fuck - I hope the rest swell over the next week

Chronic - The buds are not putting on much weight but she will be a bit longer then the others

White Russian the pics say it all



Well-Known Member
Incedible grow! The rocklock looks especially dank!

I'm germing a fem chronic right now.