not looking good so far

Well I had placed an order yesterday got a confirmation e-mail but my card wasn't charged. So i had emailed them last night with no reply. It is still a little to early to say it is a bad seed bank. I will update later with more details.
My intentions are not to review just yet. Just to update my experience with this particular seed bank. I plan to do this with a few seed banks.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
If you're giving reviews, why not place your orders on a monday for example so that it all ha[[ens in the working week, not a friday afternoon and then weekend and that lot ;) For instance your inclusion of "so i had emailed them last night with no reply" well of course there was no reply no reply should have been expected so why bother giving us that "helpful" bit of info? When i give a review or opinion of a copany, i like to give them a fair chance to show what they are made of.
I know no reply was expected I didn't say it was. But was expected was to be charged and that is the whole point. That is why I specifically said it is still to early to determine if it is a bad seedbank.


Well-Known Member
So I'm sure you got the seeds by now. I went to a restaurant Friday, they didn't charge my card till Tuesday so what's that mean? Chill


Global Moderator
Staff member
Relax, I've ordered exclusively from sensible seeds all along & have never had a problem that wasn't fixed quickly. Several years ago I got a batch that must have experienced a prob as none would germ. Contacted SS & within a week got my hole order replaced (about $400.00 worth).
Hope yours works out as well.