Well-Known Member
looking really yummy SS. Bravo!
They look great and wait, just wait till' you try em' will recant your last statement about potency......
Hell Yea Brother. Those look fatter. Hope they hit the weight you want.
I just had a funny thought , one day when weed is legal (and i have a feeling it will be) we will be able to mail people who have followed our threads with samples of the finished product. thats going to be awesome. thanks for the rep rasta ! you would definately get a sample
nah, I think the growers conventions in vegas will be the wave of that dreamed about futureif you mail it the postal guys will be partying
WOW! Effin Wicked!!! those RRF are keepers for sure!!!! Wished mine came out that way..Oh, they never even came outa the ground??WTF...had a bunk batch, I guess...BUT will Def. be getting some more soon!!! Love dem' big BUMBUHCLOT AUTOS!!!!! chk out my grow sometime...Oh! how tall are they??? peace and weed!!