Sept 2 and they still haven't started flowering?


Active Member
i hate to disagree with the people who say that it maybe a long flowering strain.. all long flowering means is that it will flower for a longer amount of time, not that it will take longer for it to start flowering.. and i[m pretty sure that northern lights is an indica dom strain, which probably has about an 8 week or so flowering period..
i would remove that light, like you said you did, and give them like a week or so, and see if they are showing any more signs of flowering..
g'l with the rest of the grow m8..
Thanks bro, we'll see how it ends up.


Well-Known Member
It's now dark out and it's officially pitch black in my backyard. (minus the moon)
good. that light was likely the issue...i have a black domina chilling on my porch and it has not started flowering (it is a 45-50 day flowerer). i always leave the damn porch light on by accident and it hasn't started flowering yet. i'll have to put it in the closet at night i guess.

thanks for this thread, i was about to ask the same thing already knowing the answer


Active Member
good. that light was likely the issue...i have a black domina chilling on my porch and it has not started flowering (it is a 45-50 day flowerer). i always leave the damn porch light on by accident and it hasn't started flowering yet. i'll have to put it in the closet at night i guess.

thanks for this thread, i was about to ask the same thing already knowing the answer
Thanks man, I was hoping someone else was having this problem. I just had some black domina the other week and it was excellent. Great strain.


Well-Known Member
One year a seed supplier sent me their ´free´ seeds. They were some ultra sativa that just never began to flower - whilst all my Sweet cindy were well into it.

Eventually I pulled them up and put them on the compost heap.


Active Member
good. that light was likely the issue...i have a black domina chilling on my porch and it has not started flowering (it is a 45-50 day flowerer). i always leave the damn porch light on by accident and it hasn't started flowering yet. i'll have to put it in the closet at night i guess.

thanks for this thread, i was about to ask the same thing already knowing the answer
The morning of Sept 4th..2 nights of real darkness.. She started flowering!!!


Active Member
i have two samsara spiritual punk(N.L x Mazar) females that have yet to start flowering as well. they say its supposed to finish end of september, but thats way out of the question now. The funny thing is that they are showing bright red almost electric pink pre flowers but they are tiny and just here and there. I'm just hoping to pull something off them hopefully by mid october if i can get them to go that long
I believe you are experiencing a light interruption like I was. Just 2 days of complete darkness( turned of lights in back yard and porchlight my dog was always setting off) and she's flowering. All the pistols on mine were turning that pinkish orange color but now white emerged beneath them :).


Active Member
The outside light pollution is the problem. It only takes 10 ft. candles of light to inhibit flowering during the dark period. Remove the lights or try to shield the plants from the light with some kind of cover. If this is not possible try to turn the lights off for the dark period.


Active Member
im at the same pace dude, i got a 3 1/2 foot plant but no flowering yet!
im in nyc and i dont have much time


Well-Known Member
That's strange man. I have one Nirvana NL in the woods and it started flowering the first or second week of August. It was the last one out of my 4 girls (all different strains) to start flowering though. Maybe there is some kind of ambient light keeping it in veg. I'm surprised how many threads I've read in the past week or so about outdoor plants not flowering yet.


Active Member
That's strange man. I have one Nirvana NL in the woods and it started flowering the first or second week of August. It was the last one out of my 4 girls (all different strains) to start flowering though. Maybe there is some kind of ambient light keeping it in veg. I'm surprised how many threads I've read in the past week or so about outdoor plants not flowering yet.
I had a backyard light and porch light that was disturbing the cycle. I turned them both off 2 days ago and both my plants are flowering now :)


Well-Known Member
Good to hear man. So far I'm really liking mine with mine. I LSTed and FIMed mine and the amount of budsites is impressive. Got 3 colas from the FIM and they are close to 2' long and solid bud. Can't wait to try it indoors. About a month into flowering and practically no smell.


Active Member
Less than moonlight then?? I smell BS.
Read this before you criticize.

"Light at very low intensities, i.e, civil twilight, is sufficient to induce photoperiodic responses in plants. For example, light intensity of less than 2 ft-c is sufficient to inhibit normal flower bud initiation in poinsettia, a short-day (SD) species for flowering."

and: "How Much Light to Expect:
Average lit room is about 7 foot candles
Summer days can be close to 12,000 Foot Candles
Cloudy days can vary from around 1,000 to below 300 Foot Candles
Full Moon Light- .02 Foot Candles
Starlight- .000011 "

Please do some due diligence before bashing, you might learn something about photoperiodism.


Active Member
Heynow, I live in norcal. And I have 8 plants in my yard. 7 out of 8 are atleast 3 or 4 weeks into budding. But the one carimalishous clone from organicann is still not budding. It has preflower hairs here and there. But no bud sites forming and it's a nice ass bush. Has anyone ever heard of plant just never budding