September 4th(ish) growers


Well-Known Member
thats right,,she is done,,she has been trimmed by the fine hands of my wife,,she doesnt even smoke the stuff,,but she's a great trimmer,,so I figured it to be 12 weeks on 12/12 lighting and only got too about 20 inches,,but many arms,,with only basic nutrients,,my 3rd grow is underway,,and I have added some boosters and such,,so I'm hoping for another learning experience with some sort of success at the end,,thxs for having me,,hope all is well

Keep on Growin




Well-Known Member
oh man...that is so sweet....that is exactly what I am noticing with my current many different branching....and the side branching is just growing nuts, not like some of the plants I see on this site.....I am really stoked - sorry I know that are younger kid's word....but I really am pumped about this.....ok ok ok...thats sort of gay I reallly F*CKIN' excited ok!? hahahahahaha.....good for you...what a GR8 result!


Well-Known Member
I chopped my first one outta 4, dryad i got 2 Zs, And it was a skunk space 18 i think but with a 400watt light I didn't expect that well of a turn out:?. I hope everyone else had a good harvest.:peace: