Seranade failing for me

the Jordan came thur attitude idont no??
Crazy man i had a poor germ on early pearl last season but thought it might just be me never had zero pop before but have seen other people/ heard of other people doing it so i know it happens dang even through attitude huh
Crazy man i had a poor germ on early pearl last season but thought it might just be me never had zero pop before but have seen other people/ heard of other people doing it so i know it happens dang even through attitude huh
I don't bitch a lot but when I c something talked about,gotta put my 2 cents in on my exp,been burned by more than them lol
Wouldn't ya know that (a) it's not foggy (that's good) and (b) we get a rainstorm (not so good) and (c) the delivery of actinovate for "by 8pm today" is now "maybe tomorrow, maybe Wednesday, hey if you don't get it by Thursday give us a call". Yagoddabekiddinname. Deep breaths...everything just fine so far re: waxed areas. A few die offs from stem damage but still pretty minor damage, except several of my dankest buds trimmed back or removed due to direct rot. The rest of the stuff looks more like sativa bud to me, and perhaps will be more immune...but I can't assume that. It's getting the actinovate stuff asap after a small test area and 24 hours. I have 4-6 weeks left of grow I believe to make it through with more thick wet fog coming. I'm sure some of you are chuckling thinking "not a chance that crop makes it!" and part of me thinks that too. We'll see.
IS THAT BLACK LEAF DUE TO MOLD???? Or is some it some weird coloration thing going on? I don't actually see "mold" on it, visually it appears to be the pigment. Everything I've read says you get pin leaves turning YELLOW, not black from bud rot. Anyone, anyone???? (I realize it doesn't look black in the pic, but you can see how dramatically darker it is from the rest of the plant material. It looks black to the eye in the sunlight). IMG_0561.JPG
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pic above black is actually dark red

is jammed up xylem/plant blood

thats jammed up cause of cooler nights

no biggy but keep warm above 20c/70f to prevent

be good at mold/fungi for where you live

I prefer neem oil to prevent mold

when I got it I dip the whole plant in warm water and 10% bleach

allow to dry in a warm wind

mold/fungi are always with us but 2x times per year they are active

good luck
Thank you!!!! Can't control temp, plants outdoor on deck. It certainly doesn't look similar to where on a different plant I definitely DID get some bud rot. It is (so far) completely unique among my 12 plants. I'll keep my eye on it.
Actinovate arrived, actinovate solution sprayed all over, just as the fog settled in this early evening. And as I spray and spread and sprayed and sprayed...holy bananas I have ALOT of colas coming up! A lot. 80?? More? Don't know, it's a lot. PRAYING that they now stay mold free (I will re-spray every 5-7 days now depending on the weather), "as advertised". I just need a small miracle like that!!IMG_0503.JPG
Thick overcast and fog, so thick most people would say it's raining. And the plants??? Bud after bud filled with rot. 20%+ cut out. Only the less mature buds that aren't yet particularly dense don't yet have rot. If it drys out in the next day or two...and if there's still any left at all...I'll spray again. But right now, it's quickly going down the 100% loss slope. Who ever thought you could grow in the SF fog belt, anyway??? Drat.
Well, I still have perhaps 30% of my crop in place, and it's growing with sunshine and relatively dry and cool weather. Sprayed a second time yesterday afternoon in high winds, so it dried very quickly, and will do so again today. WTF not, try to get these things growing up more. I've harvested some that is clean but seems highly subject to infestation (thickish buds), and a bit the I pulled over a week ago vaped REAAAAALLY good, far stronger than I expected and VERY speedy as you might imagine young bud would be. I'll be aggressively and incrementally harvesting with a very sharp eye out for any/all signs of new infestation. It's a balancing act, as much growth as possible, vs. the FUCKING DREADED MOLD CRAP. BTW I can see what happens, the little pointy things at nodes are tiny but deep inside against the stem, wrapped by flower material. I think what happens in when the bud gets dense, those things get asphyxaited and die? Because I've read the mold must start on some necrotic plant material, and indeed it doesn't seem to get to the open to the air bud that has no dead material, at all. It seems my indica-dominant plants are the ones with the thick buds and are wacked, while the more spread out sativa dominants are doing okay? Or it's just possible the ones okay are just less mature and hence less dense, since I really don't have a clue about the actual strains. Lastly, I'm a bit suspicious one plant is going to seed!! I'll a close up for help. I do believe I'm seeing that "all the white hairs turn brown and curl in" phenomena.
Some fresh mold on one exposed (already molded and cleaned) branch: the wax job seemed to come off in the elements. Otherwise, nothing new. But then, no fog. I sprayed again (3rd day in a row), again in the sunshine/wind, so it was probably dry in 30 minutes. I'm monitoring extremely closely. I see fresh mold...I'm just harvesting everything I have, as it is. If I can keep it out, maybe I can still grow some fair sized mature colas. "gotta believe..."
And now...some bud damage from the Actinovate, I'm afraid. Many bud tops showing browning/withering white hairs (but the ones just underneath still okay). I will stop any further spraying for the next 5 days, monitor intensely for any indication of fresh mold, and if I find it...I probably just harvest everything I've got and call it a very partial success, with a hell of a lot of first time "how to grow in the fog" education!!! Here are some pics of what I think is "damaged" bud tops


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some goreous pink bud tops, almost maroon! fog is back and tomorrow is the test day for the actinovate. does it stop fresh mold on my thickest remaining bud?? yikes.


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So far, so good. Very limited new mold spots (I'm studying every bud under the magnifying glass now daily looking for trouble, and if I find a single spot, off comes the bud, I cut out the bad patch, and harvest the rest). Just finished two days of sun, and yesterday I resprayed with actinovate solution, Foggy, a bit wet. Only supposed to last today, then many days of sunshine, CAN MY BUDS MAKE IT THROUGH! We'll see. This will be the TRUE test for the actinovate: if some of my big buds show up today/tomorrow with significant mold, I will declare actinovate a FAILURE (for me and my conditions here anyway). If on the other hand they stay clean...I'm a happy customer!!
So I did have some bud rot fallout from the day of fog 2 days ago, but nothing too bad. I'm now working through the plants at least once a day, looking IN DETAIL at every bud, striving to identify if there is a single brown/dark red/graying leaf, or if the bud looks in any way faint (which happens when the root is a bit lower and chewing into the stem). When found, I harvest it, cut out the rot fully (it's usually not much more than a pin head or two in size and area at this point), then SOAK THE ENTIRE BUD in 92% rubbing alcohol to try to kill of any lingering mold, before putting my my drying rack. Now we have SUNSHINE!!!! And a warming trend with it, for about a week, which is exactly what these buds need to develop toward some kind of maturity. I've worked my ass off to try to get some mature buds...closer every day but it's still a race!!! MORAL: if you get the dreaded bud rot, FIGHT BACK, don't just give up!! Tough road but working for me.
Sorry for all your problems. We have had a wet summer down here in NW Florida too. Over half of my plants had to be chopped early due to rot. Sun has been shining for a couple days now, so I have hope I will get some to the finish line.

You can wash your buds in a weak H2O2 solution. That is what I have been doing with my early chops.
I've learned to spot the super earliest signs of rot. What I get is a tiny browning leaf, where the brown (or gray) is more significant towards the stem, vs browning on the outer end of the the leaf. Also sometimes excessive darkening of the white/orange hairs, to a very dark red. I instantly cut off that bud, do a little dissection, cut out the tiny little mold spot. I think the major culprit is those small "points" that are on every node are also there inside the bud, but they die, and become fodder for mold growth. I study my buds so detailed that sometimes I can see some tiny deal plant material in the bud, and I'll use tweezers to gently pull it out to try to prevent the rot from starting. If the rot is more extensive than a tiny pinprick, I dip the entire bud in 92% rubbing alcohol before putting on my drying rack (but maybe I should switch to H2O2?). I won't smoke any of this bud. I will vape it, and cook it, so I don't have too much concern about the virtual certainty there's going to be tiny amounts of dried up mold in the dried and cured bud. We have a week plus of sunshine here in SF at the moment, with a full on heat wave over the next 3 days. Everything I've taken (probably 2-3 loosely filled mason jars worth) so far has been immature. I take off a bit more infected stuff every day (it all gets studied!!), sadly. I will respray with the actinovate this afternoon, in the sunshine to assure a quick dry. It's not a magic cure all by any means, but perhaps (??) it's reducing the rate of my losses. I only ask for a few fully mature, ripe and juicy buds for all my work, why not?!!! But that's 3-5 weeks out I suspect, Will be touch and go. Overall all, I can't complain too much I guess, but the level of work required has been kind of rediculous for the volume of harvest. I was on track to have probably 15+ mason jars of fine bud, but not to be this time.
Ahhhhhh, decision time!! We are at the peak of a nice heat wave, I sprayed actinovate again on Monday, and yet this afternoon I found 3 small bud tops with a browning leaf and a moldy section of bud/stem. I'm getting pretty decent bud growth all over, but it's noooooot ready!!! Some is weeks away, while some may be only 7-14 days away from optimum. Problem is, by Friday night its back to some fog. I just can't lose my best and biggest buds again comprehensively to mold like I did a month ago. So I think the best option is to do a "topping", where I harvest (early) much (not all) of the top buds, and roll the dice with the lower ones, with another spray on Thursday late afternoon in the sunshine before the fog starts up Friday. The forcast is for a full week+ of cooler overcast and occasionally foggy weather. I'm going to harvest "a lot"....I just don't trust the actinovate, since it has at best been a partial blocker so far (if at all, without a control group its very hard to know). Here's a recently harvested bud, just to give ya'll a sense of where I'm at.IMG_0653.JPG IMG_0654.JPG IMG_0638.JPG
Just to tidy things up here, I've concluded I did NOT have any damage from the actinovate, the problems I was seeing was due to small spots of rot inside the buds. Sometimes you get a browning/graying leaf. Sometimes you get the bud top "dying" (all the hairs turning very dark red and drying out and curling up).
I am growing in SF, lots of fog and wet off and on (including now!!). It's an outdoor scrog in pots on my west facing deck. Lack of proper care has led to multiple rash areas on plant stems, leading to botrytis gray mold. I started by wiping off aggressively (daily) with vinegar. I switched to Seranade four days ago, with daily cleaning and spraying on branches/affected areas (only branches damaged, so far). And now for two days straight, THE MOLD IS BACK THE NEXT MORNING. I'm giving up on Serandade. If it would work after a week or two, great, but meanwhile, my plants are under attack and every little bit of mold on them for a minute or an hour or a day is more damage. No time to wait. SOOOOO....I've switched back to cleaning with apple cider vinegar, and will spray every afternoon (once everything is dry again, as it usually is by late afternoon here, the fog clears out usually) as well. I'll see if the mold is just as vicious in returning with vinegar vs. the seranade. If it comes back just as strong, my next try will be GreenCure. I'm fighting the good fight to save perhaps 30% of my crop from early death due to lower branches dying from the mold damage, arrrggghhh!!! And there's always risk of a lot more damage of course, particularly if the mold manages to get into buds (none of that so far). A pic of the crop, a bud or two and a mold damage area included. "I hate mold...." Next time, I believe one key is to NOT ALLOW ANY DAMAGE of any sort to the branches. Apparently, gray mold needs some dead plant material to get a foothold, and spreads of them there, eating as more plant dies.

Last comment: Seranade may work for you!!!! Just because it hasn't for me doesn't prove it ineffectual. Every situation is different.
I live in Midwest and mold is always a problem. Actinovate worked great for me this year. I started using early as a preventative and this is my first year ever with no botrytis. When I did get it in the past I used a butane pen torch and scorched out the affected area. Just a quick singe and it's gone. Kills mold spores and don't hurt long as you don't burn it down of course.