Serious Help Needed


Active Member
ok this is what i am dealing with

1. Two plants (one is a foot tall ) ( other is 6 inches) planted Jan10.
2.Temps in grow room during Lights(80-92) and (73-76 nights)
3. in a custom grow box (look below for a picture)
4.Himidity 23-33%
5.Also the big one stalk is really skinny and it leans all the way over if it isnt staked is this Normal for 3 weeks with no pinching?

Can some one help me here and point me to the right direction i know my light set up isnt right but it seems to be working and a few other things are custom too but i need help getting these babies to stay on the clean path to holyness


Well-Known Member
what kind of lights or light are you using you need to try to definatly keep it out of the 90s and preferrably under 85, thats pretty much the highest that you can go


Well-Known Member
Your pics did not come up. But from was it sounds like your temps are high, your hum is low, and if your plants stock is skinny your light is not low enough to the top of the plants, so they are streching .


Active Member
im using a simple heat lamp form the garage and a grow light from walmart that cost like 10 bucks .. and i cant keep my humidity up i heard its needs to be near 42 % at least but notihng i do will work


Active Member
i have switch the heat lamp to one i used earlyer before i moved my plants to their new home and it was ranging temps in the mid 70's and low 80s so i jsut put it on and took the other off . now i got to try to get my humidity up also i Lowered my plants lights so they dont got to strech



New Member
ok this is what i am dealing with

1. Two plants (one is a foot tall ) ( other is 6 inches) planted Jan10.
2.Temps in grow room during Lights(80-92) and (73-76 nights)
3. in a custom grow box (look below for a picture)
4.Himidity 23-33%
5.Also the big one stalk is really skinny and it leans all the way over if it isnt staked is this Normal for 3 weeks with no pinching?

Can some one help me here and point me to the right direction i know my light set up isnt right but it seems to be working and a few other things are custom too but i need help getting these babies to stay on the clean path to holyness

hi there killa, to strengthen the stem you will need a small fan in there. it will help keep the temps down abit and circulate the air. set it so that the leaves just twitch in the breeze and not blow it over. also i think you try and get your lights closer if you are using flouro's so they dont keep stretching. hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
First don't use a heat light, they produce heat....... your plants need lumens and color specturm.

You should have more lights in there two will not do. The ones you are using.

If you have some cash buy some good stuff, this is if you want some good buds.


Active Member
hey guys thanks im gonna get new lights tonight i biult this system on a serious budget but i did it to prove a point to some buddies that cash isnt needed to grow but i will invest a little more then my 40bucks to get the right lights . the heat lamp will need to hold out til this afternoon when i get better lights . Has any one figured out my humidity prolem yet or should i try getting a humidifier too ?


Well-Known Member
I think your problem is mostly lighting and not humidity. I dont control the humidity in my grow cabinet at all and my plants grow crazy. Your plant doesnt have enough light and thats why ts stretching. I would say just about every plant that has to be staked down because it will fall over is because theres not enough light. When you get more lights you wont need the heat lamp. In a grow spot with all the lights on and the vent fans on it gets high 70's low 80's, so if you get more lights in your spot, you wont need the heat lamp, except for maybe at night? I dont know how cold it gets wherever they are at.


Active Member
we run our house at bout 72-73 so i know the heat lamp took the plants to the high 80s and mid 90's i have been working to lower it and i took my plants off stakes today when i transplanted and it looks good i am upgrading lights tonight after work im grab a few screw in lights that have the twisted look to them i saw a bunch people had thos so im try them ... no as for cutting and pinching how do i do it and get it done righ the first time with no lose of plant


Well-Known Member
yeh dont worry about the humidity,just try to get the temp down abit and get a better light!peace


Active Member
hi,new to site pretty cool.big difference i've noticed is that everyone is into flouros....guys hps and mh is the only way to go. in space of 1.2 x1.2 x1.2 I'm achieving 37 fat,smelly and good size(roughly 35 to 40 cm).set up is 400w hps sunmaster bulb 400w growlush ballast 900 x 900 shade.correct enviroment is crucial so extraction fans etc etc ph/cf wand is critical for true readings.i recomend a blue lab truncheon.they have a web site.but please try abetter set up and enjoy the fruits of your