Serious Newbie growing


I tried that and I put in my city and state and everywhere on that list I called either no one answered the fucking phone (must have bmeat as customer service doesnt even know how to answer a phone....bless his heart) or they dont carry it anymore.


anyone else have some input on the best soil to start with?? so far its FFOF for the entire cycle, but I have heard to swap soils once you start flowering then others are saying to leave it in the ffof bag -_- anyone that has used FFOF from start to finish have any input on this?


Well-Known Member
anyone else have some input on the best soil to start with?? so far its FFOF for the entire cycle, but I have heard to swap soils once you start flowering then others are saying to leave it in the ffof bag -_- anyone that has used FFOF from start to finish have any input on this?
im not sure plants like it too much when u switch their soil....what would u switch to? maybe somebody was talking super soil at u......... i dont know that i have ever seen anybody leave ffof right in the bag and grow i know they do it w the roots for outdoor grows..........


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, I must have missed the post where you asked if I mixed mine or what.
Yes, I just get the large bag of soil, and the 1/2 cu. ft. (I think) size bag of perlite, and use a cup or bowl or something to measure out what I want.
It's not exact, but if I put 3 scoops of soil, I just put 2 of perlite.
If you get the MG stuff, both bags are around $6 each, and I have more than enough to mix my solo cup to sprout, a 2 1/2 gal. pot for transplant, and a 5 gal. pot for final.