Serious people only.

I may have told this story before but here it goes again.

I had a big pink fake torso you know the kind with the butt hole and the vagina. well before I joined up I was a pretty big loser so I would fuck it and watch porno cause I couldn't get none I roomed with like 4 other doods at the time so I kept this thing hidden in my small room, that just had a mattress on the floor.
So then I joined up and had to get all my shit out of the place i was staying at. So I decided take the majority of my shit to good will because all I really had was clothes and a stained mattress. The good will drop off was just a big trash bin looking thing.

It goes with out saying that I couldnt let the roomies see my vag so instead of trying to dispose of it I wrapped it up in some of the clothes I was donating and donated it to. I like to think somebody got some more use out of it.
I may have told this story before but here it goes again.

I had a big pink fake torso you know the kind with the butt hole and the vagina. well before I joined up I was a pretty big loser so I would fuck it and watch porno cause I couldn't get none I roomed with like 4 other doods at the time so I kept this thing hidden in my small room, that just had a mattress on the floor.
So then I joined up and had to get all my shit out of the place i was staying at. So I decided take the majority of my shit to good will because all I really had was clothes and a stained mattress. The good will drop off was just a big trash bin looking thing.

It goes with out saying that I couldnt let the roomies see my vag so instead of trying to dispose of it I wrapped it up in some of the clothes I was donating and donated it to. I like to think somebody got some more use out of it.
I may have told this story before but here it goes again.

I had a big pink fake torso you know the kind with the butt hole and the vagina. well before I joined up I was a pretty big loser so I would fuck it and watch porno cause I couldn't get none I roomed with like 4 other doods at the time so I kept this thing hidden in my small room, that just had a mattress on the floor.
So then I joined up and had to get all my shit out of the place i was staying at. So I decided take the majority of my shit to good will because all I really had was clothes and a stained mattress. The good will drop off was just a big trash bin looking thing.

It goes with out saying that I couldnt let the roomies see my vag so instead of trying to dispose of it I wrapped it up in some of the clothes I was donating and donated it to. I like to think somebody got some more use out of it.
But, did it stink?
I may have told this story before but here it goes again.

I had a big pink fake torso you know the kind with the butt hole and the vagina. well before I joined up I was a pretty big loser so I would fuck it and watch porno cause I couldn't get none I roomed with like 4 other doods at the time so I kept this thing hidden in my small room, that just had a mattress on the floor.
So then I joined up and had to get all my shit out of the place i was staying at. So I decided take the majority of my shit to good will because all I really had was clothes and a stained mattress. The good will drop off was just a big trash bin looking thing.

It goes with out saying that I couldnt let the roomies see my vag so instead of trying to dispose of it I wrapped it up in some of the clothes I was donating and donated it to. I like to think somebody got some more use out of it.
You're welcome.
Serious question- anyone ever filled a plastic water bottle with about a half cup of tobacco spit and then screwed the top on and forgot about it in a hot car for 4 days or so? Like 130 degrees hot in the sun?

What was your experience like?

Mine was fucking crazy, it was like a csi show where a corpse has been contained in a room for a week or some shit and when they bust in and find it they're all immediately nauseous and having trouble holding back the gag reflex from the stank. Heavy, heavy decay.

Im not sure how to explain it but if you know you know what it's like. Like dead breath. Worse than low tide by far, like straight heavy decay, melted skin. It has a weight to it different than anything else out there, it's just heavy and it lays on everything.

I opened it up and spit in it for three and a half days after that, and it's been laying on my passenger seat now for a while longer. I had visions of opening it and throwing it on a pedestrian today when I drove around town.

Please go ahead and share some of your own serious thoughts.

Having more than once dealt with a body left for weeks in a heated environment, I doubt your smell was as bad. I literally had to destroy a set of turn out gear (around $1500) after one such removal.

But I agree that must've Sucked!
I ate some limburger cheese once. The taste was kind of like if you had walked 20 miles on a hot summer day with winter boots on, then you took off your boot and stepped in dogshit and put the dogshit sweat filled sock in your mouth. That smelly disgusting mess sticks to your teeth and stays in your nasal passages all day even after you brush. Whoever thought of making dogshit fucking cheese needs to be drug into the street and fucking shot!

You should smell the plant they make it in. Very popular item in our area. My dad always had a chunk sitting on the counter. The old boys say it need to "simmer" for a few days in the heat before being eaten.
I don't mind it but I don't go out of my way to eat it either, lol
Having more than once dealt with a body left for weeks in a heated environment, I doubt your smell was as bad. I literally had to destroy a set of turn out gear (around $1500) after one such removal.

But I agree that must've Sucked!
One of the friends that lived in the house I mentioned worked weekends at a funeral parlor as reception; you know a good looking young guy in the suit showing the room where you view your dead loved one. If it was slow, he also had to help the mortician move bodies around and stuff. Anyway, one weekend they bring in a week old dead guy, fat and stinking. Mortician needs help to move it around. My friend comes home and his clothes are stinking (even tho clean) and later he starts farting and they were a horror. Weather was nice in the evening so we made him stay outside
One of the friends that lived in the house I mentioned worked weekends at a funeral parlor as reception; you know a good looking young guy in the suit showing the room where you view your dead loved one. If it was slow, he also had to help the mortician move bodies around and stuff. Anyway, one weekend they bring in a week old dead guy, fat and stinking. Mortician needs help to move it around. My friend comes home and his clothes are stinking (even tho clean) and later he starts farting and they were a horror. Weather was nice in the evening so we made him stay outside
The only smell I have found worse than rotting flesh is burning flesh. If there are worse smells, I hope to NEVER encounter them.
Fuck 'em.

Deleted my last post. I looked at it after the fact and realized it could be seen as arrogant, which was far from my intention.