serious question.

a week ago i went on vacation and couldnt tend to my plants wen i came back the biggest on grew to close to the light and fryd the top flower and the leaves around it, i clipped the bud ant trimed the burnt leaves..i know in the veg. state if you clip the node 2 will sprot out. will 2 bud come out? thats wat looks like is happening.



Well-Known Member
Oh yes all my plants get this treatment once or twice. Depending how far into 12-12 you are, them buds may be small!


Well-Known Member
I've topped in flower when a few of my plant tops 'accidentally' got fairly burned. Not one hermie as a result(though one regressed back into a veg state). I think most hermies are genetically coded that way from the start.


New Member
I've topped in flower when a few of my plant tops 'accidentally' got fairly burned. Not one hermie as a result(though one regressed back into a veg state). I think most hermies are genetically coded that way from the start.
That sounds weird going back into veg, i guess we never truly know what will happen, diffrent strains and backgrounds etc, that is the true beauty of it, prob the same as yourself ive had many plants that look bare at some point only to finish with a real bang, and then you wonder why you fussed, its also funny how you always compare your new plants against your old, sometimes when things are going really well its like looking at art work, the end result ending in the smoke.


Well-Known Member
Yup some hermies are genetically coded to carry that trait. They carry that extra x chromosome like xxx or xxy and you don't really have a control over what it's born with. That's why I don't mess with "fem" seeds.


Well-Known Member
I honestly find the less i play about with them the better they seem to be? i dunno!
Also with them geezerbirds, make sure the room is completly light tight!