serious seeds ak-47


anybody use serious seed? i have fem ak-47 and was wondering if they are as good as they say iam just about ready for harvest my first crop .what would be the sighs of good weed/my smell is there but i was thinking it should be stronger.dont know./ there is a lot of cloudy and amber trichomes.the seeds where expensive. and really wondering about quality. any with input would help me. velcro


anybody use serious seed? i have fem ak-47 and was wondering if they are as good as they say iam just about ready for harvest my first crop .what would be the sighs of good weed/my smell is there but i was thinking it should be stronger.dont know./ there is a lot of cloudy and amber trichomes.the seeds where expensive. and really wondering about quality. any with input would help me. thanks velcro


Well-Known Member
I thought it was going to be way better with all the hype around it and the description given by Serious Seeds. Overall I thought it was lacking a bit in the potentcy department. I got a great yield off of the 1 that I grew. I got a 1/4 lb. or 4 ozs. off of her. Some people that smoked it really liked it though. I won't be growing it again. It may have just been the pheno that I got, but I have heard people say the same thing as me. I have heard that the AK back in the day was alot better and that it has become watered down over the years. It will still be some good pot. Good luck!
Okay for you to smell it thru a filter and sealed room i would say yeah that stinks then lol..

@kentuckboy i would give it another go that 1 plant you got was just 1 expression there are more to be found and ak47 is a favorite to some


Well-Known Member
I grew some serious seeds White Russian a while back, it is a mixture of White Widow and Ak-47 and i was very impressed, I'm pretty sure it was the best weed I've smoked in my entire life and taking 2 tiny hits of bubble hash almost sent me to the hospital, it produced so much resin that used baggies look like they are covered in coke residue, and it yielded pretty good to...


what do you all think about serious seeds are they all that.... woundering if you get good quality seeds(ak47) ??? wondering
`i would say serious seeds has some good strains and theyve been worked for years. Definately can get some true good plants out of a pak